Led strip light – a comprehensive guide to choosing a led strip light Led strip lights are increasingly popular for general lighting in the home. You’ve probably heard the arguments …

Interior designer’s lighting choices – showcasing a completed apartment building
Interior designer Riikka Patrikainen / Design Mood Oy, planned and managed a tight project from start to finish, when the apartment in Pikku-Huopalahti was renovated according to the clients’ wishes. …

Zigbee lighting control part 5 – how to pair up
This “how to pair” article provides easy-to-follow practical instructions for pairing our Zigbee products between the hub, transformers/receivers and controllers. So far we have had good experiences with Philips HUE, …

Älyvalaistus ja sen osaaminen on ykkösasia
Esittelyssä koti jossa älyvalaistus. Kotiin valaistus ja Zigbee-valaistuksenohjaus suunniteltiin yhdessä asiakkaan kanssa. Asiakas perheineen on tyytyväinen lopputulokseen ja koko konseptiin, jolla valaistussuunnittelu ja tuotevalinnat hoidettiin. Toiveena luov a älyvalaistus uuteen …

Boat lighting with LED strip and aluminium profile
To maximise your safety and comfort, you should pay attention to your boat’s lighting. Depending on the boat, products suitable for 12V, 24V or 230V systems are chosen. This article …

Which manufacturers’ mounting frames are suitable for LedStore wireless controllers?
Wireless controllers simplify the installation of light switches and dimmers. In addition, the controls allow the Kelvin levels of the new colour temperature adjustable luminaires to be adjusted between warm …

Stylish desk lighting – how to do it
With a little effort, you can build a hanging wall lighting element from a prefabricated table top. The indirect light coming through the wall is soft and comfortable. If light …

How to make decorative wall lighting and keep the price down
The indirect light coming through the wall is soft and comfortable. If light also features infinitely variable white light colour temperature control and dimming, you are always guaranteed to match …