We live in an apartment building built in the 1960s, so there are only two places for the ceiling lights in the living room of our apartment. So the living …

What are the benefits of smart lighting?
Today, more and more people are interested in smart home technology, and one of the most important of these is smart lighting. In this article, we will explain the benefits …

RF dimming for LED lights
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]LED lights are fast becoming the lighting of choice for many homes and businesses thanks to their energy efficiency and long lifetime. However, one of the challenges of LED lights …

Zigbee dimming: upgrade your lighting to wireless
Zigbee himmennys, ohjaus ja valvonta kaikki yhdessä! Zigbee on digitaalinen valaistusjärjestelmä, jonka avulla voit hallita valaistustasi yhdellä napin painalluksella. Nauti energiatehokkaasta valaistuksesta ja aikataulutuksen, automaation ja kauko-ohjauksen mukavuudesta. Ota kaikki …

Dimming techniques for Led lights
One of the most important aspects of lighting is the ability to adjust the brightness. This is where dimming techniques come in, and in recent years LED dimming has evolved …

Led Dimming – Choosing the technology
Haluatko päivittää kotisi valaistuksen ja hyödyntää led-valaistuksen energiansäästöetuja? Led himmennys auttaa säästämään sähköä! Halusitpa sitten luoda tunnelmallisen tunnelman olohuoneeseesi tai vain säästää energialaskuissa, sinun kannattaa harkita investoimista led-himmennysjärjestelmään. Tässä artikkelissa …

Making indirect light on the ceiling, renovation of a duplex
Making indirect light on the ceiling? Is it difficult and expensive? Housing acquired and dull concrete roofs. Most of the roofs in apartment buildings have cavity tile roofs with a …

Zigbee lighting control part 5 – how to pair up
This “how to pair” article provides easy-to-follow practical instructions for pairing our Zigbee products between the hub, transformers/receivers and controllers. So far we have had good experiences with Philips HUE, …