0/1-10V led himmennys on prosessi, jossa LED-valojen kirkkautta säädetään himmentimen avulla. Se toimii ohjaamalla LED-valojen läpi kulkevan virran määrää, jolloin LED-valojen kirkkautta voidaan hallita tarkasti. Tätä tekniikkaa käytetään monissa eri …

TRIAC dimming
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]TRIAC dimming, also known as phase-cut/Leading edge/trailing edge dimming, is a widely used method of controlling the intensity of LED lights. It works by adjusting the phase angle at which …

DALI dimming: digital lighting system
Valaistuksenohjausjärjestelmät ovat kehittyneet viime vuosina huomattavasti, kun käyttöön on otettu uusia tekniikoita, jotka mahdollistavat suuremman tarkkuuden ja joustavuuden valaistuksen ohjauksessa. Yksi mielenkiintoisimmista näistä tekniikoista on DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface), …

Zigbee lighting control part 2 – Zigbee devices and pairing review
Zigbee devices for wireless lighting control enable timers and different lighting situations for almost any lighting fixture in your home. This article will walk you through setting up a Zigbee …

Zigbee lighting control part 1
Zigbee wireless lighting control enables timings and different lighting situations for almost any lighting fixture in the home using Zigbee wireless control receivers, controllers and hubs. This article will go …

5 most important things to know when designing LED strip lighting
The five most important things to know when designing LED strip lighting LED strip lighting provides lighting suitable for many applications and uses. Like other lighting, it needs some planning. …

Dimming of Led luminaires in different automation systems
A home control system such as ABB free@home or KNX is often used to automatically switch on, switch off and dim LED luminaires. Lighting can also be intelligently controlled via …

VaLO – wireless control of lighting
VaLO – wireless control of lighting gives you more options to operate your luminaires. You can control your LED lighting either with wall-mounted, wireless buttons or with your Android/iOS device …