Professional lighting design can add atmosphere to your home and enhance its most beautiful details. LedStore helped Alisa to design and implement the perfect lighting solutions for her new detached …

LedStoren valaisimet ja ABB-free@home kotiautomaatiojärjestelmä
Yhtenä olennaisena osana älykotia on valaistus. Älykodin ajastettavat ja ohjelmoitavat valaistustilanteet helpottavat päivittäistä elämää, ja ovat myös isossa roolissa kodin mukavuustekijänä. Ovatko älyvalaisimet sitten aivan oma lajinsa? Entä mitä kotiautomaatiolla …

Functional lighting design for a modern villa
Lighting design for a villa The Pihlaksen family’s dream of a lakeside villa came true when they built a 108m2 two-bedroom, pent-roofed lakeside villa in Puumala on a beautiful pine-clad …

Bathroom lighting with imaginative LED rails
Family Niemelä’s bathrooms include shower and sauna facilities, a toilet and a kitchen with a refrigerator. The versatile space needed new lighting as part of the renovation. For each room, …

How to illuminate stairs with LED strip lighting
Interior staircases are often left dark, requiring additional lighting afterwards. If there are no wall or ceiling light points, one effective way is to light the steps of the staircase. …

Wireless lighting control is easy and material-efficient
The location of the electrical wiring in a new log or CLT house should be carefully considered. In particular, if the wood surface is exposed, any extra electrical wiring, for …

Aluminium strip and its use in LED lighting
The aluminium strip is the part of the LED strip installation that is often hidden in indirect lighting installations. However, the profile has a major impact on the direction of …

A wide range of LEDs are used for courtyard lighting
With the dark season still to come, it’s a good time to take a look at your own yard and observe the areas that are still in the dark. When …