Kuvaus LedStore.fi verkkokaupan tyyliin: Valoisa ja moderni käytävä, jossa on suuret ikkunat tarjoten näkymän ulkona avautuvaan vehreyteen. Pehmeät LED-valot korostavat valkoisia seiniä ja lattiaa, kun taas lasikaide kulkee kävelyreitin reunalla. Ruukkukasvi koristaa kulmaa ikkunoiden vieressä, ja avoin ovi tuo tilaan lisää avaruutta.


  • Alisa's home was designed with LedStore lighting in Helsinki Jolla
  • The lighting design covered both the interior and
  • that outdoor spaces
  • Individual lighting design can bring savings in construction projects
  • Indirect lighting and smart lights are popular lighting trends
  • Alisa recommends LedStore for the quality of its services and products

Professional lighting design can add atmosphere to your home and enhance its most beautiful details. LedStore helped Alisa to design and implement the perfect lighting solutions for her new detached house.

Alisa’s detached house was built in Jolla, Helsinki. LedStore was involved in the lighting design already during the construction phase of the house, and designed the lighting for both the interior and exterior of Alisa’s home.

“œKysee was my first building project, and that’s why I wanted to choose a company that offered quality design. Their advice made it easier to choose the right lighting solutions to serve each space appropriately. With the help of LedStore’s experts, the best aspects of the different rooms were highlighted, not forgetting the practicality of lighting in areas such as gyms,” says Alisa.


Lighting design contributes, among other things, to the comfort of working life
In the kitchen the worktop is efficiently lit and indirect lighting complements the ceiling spotlight


A lighting partner can bring savings in a new building

Most house packages also include a lighting plan, but it’s worth showing this to a lighting professional.

In LedStore’s Janne Haltu ‘s experience, the lighting design for house packages is usually made almost identically for each house, which can result in impractical details being left out of the design. For example, the lighting plan for Alisa’s home had omitted an outdoor light that would have constantly shone in through the windows of the house.

With a fully customised lighting design, lighting can be implemented once and for all, according to the wishes and needs of the residents.

“œWhen we are involved in a construction project from the beginning, it usually means cost savings and an easier project for the client. There is no need to fix work that has already been done,” says Janne.


Lighting design has taken home decoration to a new level
Lighting design influences the way spaces are used and how they look Good lighting can even increase the value of a home


Lighting creates atmosphere

For Alisa, it was important that the lighting would be a natural part of the interior design of the house. For example, the lighting was used to highlight the Italian marble tile wall in the bathroom and to bring soft light into the home’s sauna.

LedStore.fi:n verkkokauppaan sopiva kuvaus voisi olla seuraava: Moderni spa-sisustus sisältää oikealla sijaitsevan puupaneelein vuoratun saunan, jossa on penkit sekä ämpäri ja kauha. Vasemmalla on kaksi sadesuihkua, jotka on asennettu marmorilaatoitettuun seinään. Pehmeä ympäröivä LED-valaistus luo tilaan rauhallista tunnelmaa.
Atmospheric LED strip lighting behind the shower and on the back of the sauna


“œIn addition, we found some sweet lighting solutions. One of my favourites is the aluminium profile between the windows in the living room, which conceals a lamp. It lights up and down, but is itself graceful and unobtrusive,” says Alisa. “œDirect lighting is the most popular trend at the moment. Dimmable lights and smart lights are also attracting consumer interest. If the desire for smart lights is known well in advance, their final cost can be the same, or even lower, than traditional lights,” Janne tips.

Valoisa ja moderni olohuone, jossa on suuret ikkunat ja lasikaide. Tilassa on valkoinen sohva, pyöreä musta sohvapöytä, ruukkukasvi ja terassimaisema. Katosta roikkuu ympyränmuotoinen LED-valaisin, joka luo pehmeää hehkuaan korostamaan tunnelmaa. Tämä tyylikäs valaistusratkaisu luo viihtyisän ilmapiirin olohuoneeseen ja täydentää saumattomasti sisustusta. Tutustu LedStore.fi:n valikoimaan löytääksesi juuri sinun kotiisi sopivat LED-valaistusratkaisut!
Indirect LED strip lighting created with a stylish aluminium profile brings light to a two storey high space and divides the space beautifully


LedStore became a long-term partner

In the end, Alisa was positively surprised by the price level of LedStore’s services and products. He says he will continue to be a LedStore customer, and will recommend their services to his network.

“œI can recommend them outright because I know they have good products and service. They are a one-stop shop, which is really easy for the customer. The project management is flawless and the service is professional,” says Alisa.

LedStore carries out around 500 design projects each year, from complete new builds to smaller projects. Lighting design influences the look of a space, which at its best takes the look of a home to a whole new level. The show room of LedStore Oy is located in Vantaa, where you can find plenty of installation examples. LedStore also serves you remotely.


Kollaasi kahdeksasta kuvasta, jotka esittelevät modernin kodin sisätiloja: keittiö, ruokailutila, käytävä, sauna pyyhkeineen, kylpyhuone, minimalistinen makuuhuone ikkunan kera, kuntosali välineineen ja LED-valaistu portaikko. Suunnittelussa korostuvat tyylikkäät ja siistit linjat sekä neutraalit sävyt. Tutustu näiden inspiroivien tilojen LED-valaistusratkaisuihin LedStore.fi-verkkokaupassa!
Photos of the object can be seen in LedStores reference gallery under the object name Home in Jollas

See all the pictures of “Home in Jollas” in LedStore’s reference gallery.

You can find out more about LedStore’s lighting design here.


Text by Maria Vakkanen and LedStore, photos by Meri Björn and LedStore


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Sanna Salmela
Lighting blogger and lighting consultant at LedStore since 2016. Background in marketing, sales and communications since 2006. I love how, one article at a time, we bring our lighting expertise to the public, opening up the world of light and its possibilities.

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