Welcome to our article comparing Philips HUE and COB-led strip lights! Nowadays, lighting in the home plays a major role in creating atmosphere and comfort. Lighting has evolved dramatically in …

Why does the LED strip need an aluminium profile?
Led lighting is becoming increasingly popular in both homes and businesses, and one of the most popular led lighting solutions is the led strip light. But why does the LED …

Solar panels and LED strip lighting
Environmental friendliness is an important part of today’s home and business lighting solutions. Solar panels and LED strip lighting are an excellent alternative to traditional lighting methods, as they are …

LED strip wattage and its role in lighting
The power of the LED strip affects the quality of lighting and energy consumption. The use of LED strips in lighting solutions has grown significantly in recent years due to …

RGBW led strip light
Do you want to create an atmosphere in your home or business? Want to make a room or space look festive and unique? With LED strip lights this is possible, …

CCT adjustable led strip light
The CCT adjustable LED strip light is a great way to add atmosphere to your home. The light strip allows you to adjust the hue of the light as you …

RGB problems
Coloured lights are now sold in every supermarket. We have compiled the most common RGB problems here. This is a continuation of the general article on fixing problems with led …

Led strip troubleshooting
Led valonauhaa on joka paikassa. Niihin tulee vikoja, mutta mistä tiedän miten se korjataan? Led nauhan vianmääritys voi olla vaikeaa. Vielä muutama vuosi sitten led tekniikka oli vain asiantuntijoiden tiedossa. …