Valoisassa ja modernissa olohuoneessa, jossa on valkoiset seinät, on TV, useita viherkasveja ruukuissa sekä värikäs lippu. Kaksi uniikkia LED-kattovalaisinta tuovat tilaan tyylikästä valaistusta. Suuret ikkunat oikealla päästävät sisään luonnonvaloa, luoden raikkaan ja avaran tunnelman. löydät laadukkaat LED-valaisimet juuri tällaisen tunnelman luomiseksi!

RGB+CCT strip installation in living room

We live in an apartment building built in the 1960s, so there are only two places for the ceiling lights in the living room of our apartment. So the living …

Modern kitchen with white cabinets: left side blue LED lighting, right side green LED lighting; black countertops and chrome faucet enhance style.

Colour-changing RGB and W LED strip for high-quality installations

RGB LED strip has many different uses in the home or office. The colour-changing LED strip makes it easy to highlight structures or create mood lighting. The LED strip can …

Kitchen utensils in a stone holder under bright LED lighting, featuring a whisk, spatula, and scissors on a textured countertop with a glass jar nearby.

5 most important things to know when designing LED strip lighting

The five most important things to know when designing LED strip lighting LED strip lighting provides lighting suitable for many applications and uses. Like other lighting, it needs some planning. …

Modern ceiling with recessed LED lighting, indirect cove lights, clean white surface, soft LED glow enhancing design; window visible bottom right.

Choose the right LED strip light – the power output will affect the application

Led strip lighting is selected according to the lighting needs and the application. LedStore’s own-brand LED strips offer enough choice and possibilities to meet both small and large lighting needs …