[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Led muuntaja hallitsee sitä, kuinka paljon virtaa yksittäinen led tai led-ryhmä saa. Ledit, eli valoa tuottavat diodit ovat vähäenergisiä valonlähteitä, joilla on pitkä käyttöikä ja vähäinen energiankulutus. Tämän vuoksi niille …

The internet asks about LEDs and we answer, Part 3
The internet is full of all sorts of things, and we all have different concerns. We collected the most frequently asked questions about LED lights, such as LED replacement, LED …

The internet asks about LEDs and we answer, PART 2
The internet is full of all sorts of things, and we all have different concerns. We collected the most common questions about led lights, such as led technology, led problems …

The internet asks about LEDs and we answer, PART 1
The LED bulb and the issues that affect its consumption and the environment have come up against us on the internet. We collected the most common questions about LED lights, …

RGB problems
Coloured lights are now sold in every supermarket. We have compiled the most common RGB problems here. This is a continuation of the general article on fixing problems with led …

Led strip troubleshooting
Led valonauhaa on joka paikassa. Niihin tulee vikoja, mutta mistä tiedän miten se korjataan? Led nauhan vianmääritys voi olla vaikeaa. Vielä muutama vuosi sitten led tekniikka oli vain asiantuntijoiden tiedossa. …

How long do LED strips last?
One of the main advantages of LED strips is their very long lifetime. But how long does the led tape actually last? How is lifetime defined? LED strip lights typically …

Led can’t withstand heat, why?
Believe it or not, cooler air can make LED lights burn brighter and last longer, while a hot environment will shorten the life of the LED. Why can’t LED withstand …