Special attention was paid to lighting in the beautifully renovated house. After a long renovation project, the residents of Villa Vuorentausta are pleased with the beautiful and versatile lighting. A …

Lighting site – House in South Espoo
At this customer site, almost all the lighting has been implemented with LedStore products. For the control of the lights, the client chose a smart control system, which was implemented …

LedStoren valaisimet ja ABB-free@home kotiautomaatiojärjestelmä
Yhtenä olennaisena osana älykotia on valaistus. Älykodin ajastettavat ja ohjelmoitavat valaistustilanteet helpottavat päivittäistä elämää, ja ovat myös isossa roolissa kodin mukavuustekijänä. Ovatko älyvalaisimet sitten aivan oma lajinsa? Entä mitä kotiautomaatiolla …

Lighting design service for seaside mansion
In this article, we present the result of LedStore’s lighting design service and the lighting of a new house, which has combined the new and the old into a functional …

LedStore’s product safety
Product safety is important Product safety means that products and services must not endanger the health and property of consumers. In Finland, the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) is …

Successful lighting renovation of a lowered plaster ceiling with LED strip lighting and Hidden spotlights
With a lowered plaster ceiling, the lighting renovation was decided to be carried out in the LedStore premises using new high colour rendering index, colour temperature adjustable 22 W/m LED …

Led light price – what is quality made of?
Price of light Led light? What does the price of light LED light really consist of? In summary, the following issues: quality of the led circuit, service life, dimmability, light …

How does home lighting design affect you?
Home lighting design should be scheduled before or at the same time as electrical design to ensure that the right number of power points are placed in the right places. …