Minimalistinen tila, jossa on puinen pöytä ja valkoinen tuoli, herää eloon modernin led-valaistuksen ansiosta. Lineaariset LED-valot muodostavat geometrisen kuvion katolle ja seinälle, tuoden tilaan tyylikästä ilmettä. Vasemmalla oleva suuri ikkuna valaisee tilan luonnonvalolla, kun taas oikealla seinällä pilkistävä abstrakti taideteos tuo lisävivahteen sisustukseen.

Led strip lighting for kitchen lighting shapes, led strip lighting installation

Is it possible to change the lighting in an existing kitchen without a major renovation? You can do it. When the ceiling and walls are painted plasterboard, it is possible …

Led strip power - Led strip in the kitchen

LED strip wattage and its role in lighting

The power of the LED strip affects the quality of lighting and energy consumption. The use of LED strips in lighting solutions has grown significantly in recent years due to …

RGB led strip light in cinema room

RGB led strip lighting for different areas of the home

LED lighting is a versatile and energy-efficient option for any home. In addition to lasting longer and consuming less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights are also available in …

Led strip light in the ceiling

Led strip lighting – a comprehensive guide to choosing led strip lighting

Led strip light – a comprehensive guide to choosing a led strip light Led strip lights are increasingly popular for general lighting in the home. You’ve probably heard the arguments …