FOKUS-kasvivalaisin täyttää myös vaativimmat kasvien valontarpeet täyden spektrin valolla. Ja mikä parasta, voit myös itse nauttia täydellisestä valaistuksesta. Täyden spektrin valo on nimittäin luonnollista, silmälle miellyttävää valoa. FOKUS-kasvivalaisin ei ole …

Black courtyard luminaires blend in with the surroundings
LedStoren The courtyard lights on display at this year’s Garden Fair 2024 blend in with their surroundings thanks to their dark colour. The four different types of luminaires can be …

Using LED lights to grow plants all year round
Using LED lights to grow plants all year round is very successful. LED lights are an excellent option for lighting plants indoors as they are energy efficient, long-lasting and produce …

Impact of LED lights on plant growth and development
Plant growth and development depend on light, one of the most important environmental factors. Light affects plant morphology, physiology and metabolism. The spectrum of light, or wavelength distribution, is one …

Use of LED lights for indoor growing
The use of LED lights in indoor growing is becoming increasingly popular as they offer many advantages over traditional light sources. LED lights are energy-efficient, long-lasting and produce high-quality light …

Led plant lighting increases plant well-being during the dark period
Plants need light and water. With the help of led solar lighting. In Finland, light is usually less naturally available than either of these two, so attention must be paid …

Led lamps as plant lights for plant well-being
The use of Led bulbs as plant lights e.g. have become popular for nurseries in the last few years, partly because LED bulbs as plant lights do not heat up …