Moderni ulkoruokailutila, jossa on pergola varustettuna pehmeällä LED-valaistuksella, betonipöytä penkkeineen ja tuoleineen. Alue on vehreän nurmikon ympäröimä ja taustalla kohoavat komeat puut. Puuterassilla on käytännöllinen oleskelualue sekä pieni puutarha täydentämässä tunnelmaa. Tutustu upeisiin LED-valaisimiin ja luo oma unelmiesi ulkotila!


  • LedStore's courtyard lights blend in with the surroundings thanks to their dark colour
  • Patio spotlights provide indirect mood lighting from the bottom up
  • Beam spotlights are suitable for lighting vegetation and stone surfaces
  • Funk Pillar and Tilt 2 bollards provide stylish general lighting
  • Led profiles are suitable for lightweight pergola and gazebo lighting

LedStoren The courtyard lights on display at this year’s Garden Fair 2024 blend in with their surroundings thanks to their dark colour. The four different types of luminaires can be combined to create the perfect lighting for your garden. The most popular products on show at the fair were the recessed patio spotlights, the wall or ground mounted Beam spotlights, the Funk-Pillar and Tilt 2 patio bollards, and the black LED profiles for canopy or pergola mounting, which are ready for installation at LedStore’s LedPaja. . We present the lamps in this article.

Neljä kuvaa esittelevät LED-valaistuksen tuomia mahdollisuuksia: tunnelmallinen sisustus LED-valoilla valaistuine ikkunoineen järvinäkymällä, hehkuva kolmionmuotoinen mökki, puinen tynnyrisauna sekä iltahämärässä valaistut kallioiset maastoelementit ja puut.

Terrace deck ambience and street lights

Because of their small size, patio spotlights embedded in the terrace deck are great accent lights. They can be installed at the base of a wall or vertical beams to provide indirect mood lighting from the bottom up. A series of 3 to 11 spots can be installed with a single power supply. The kit also includes watertight connecting cables and manifolds for easy installation.

Kolmen kuvan kollaasissa esitellään pyöreä, upotettu LED-porrasvalo tummalla uritetulla pinnalla. Valaisin loistaa pehmeää valkoista hehkua, ja sen metallinen kehys on kuvattu eri kulmista tuoden esiin ainutlaatuisen muotoilun.

Beam spotlight to illuminate plantings and stone surfaces

Beam luminaires are this year’s NEW product from LedStore, introduced for their efficiency and versatility in terms of directionality and installation. This upcoming classic is suitable for both wall lighting and ground lighting for a wide variety of vegetation and stone surfaces.

Kuvittele kallioinen mäki, jolla on useita puita, jotka piirtyvät siluettina pilvistä iltataivasta vasten. maahan asennettavat LED-valot valaisevat kalliota, luoden lämpimiä keltaisia hehkuja karhealle pinnalle. Tunnelma on rauhallinen ja luonnollinen.

The corridors and the edges of the courtyard are illuminated by a bollard light

In the Idea Yard, black Funk Pillar and Tilt 2 bollards were used as general lighting in the courtyard and corridors. With its sleek appearance, the square Funk Pillar is ideal for elegant lighting when you want to be careful that the light source doesn’t glare around you in the dark. The light source is ingeniously embedded in the top of the body, so the Funk Pillar’s light is indirect when viewed from all directions. The Tilt 2’s two directional spotlights give you plenty of options to choose the right lighting direction. Both luminaires have one-metre-long lamp bodies, which can be securely fixed to concrete slabs, for example, or to wooden structures such as decking or patio railing.

Yöaikaan kaareutuvaa polkua valaisee modernit, korkeat LED-valaisimet. Nämä valot luovat lämpimän hehkun polun pinnalle, samalla kun siististi leikattu pensasaita reunustaa polkua ja tuo vehreyttä näkymään.

Lightweight LED suitable for all surfaces

A lightweight lighting option for pergolas and gazebos as well as barbecue shelters and saunas, the stylish LED profile is a stylish LED strip mounted inside an aluminium profile with a lid. There are numerous choices of both LED strip and aluminium profiles, plus dimming and control options to suit all tastes. You can get the complete system ready for installation from LedStore’s LedPaja.

Moderni ulkoruokailutila, jossa on pergola varustettuna pehmeällä LED-valaistuksella, betonipöytä penkkeineen ja tuoleineen. Alue on vehreän nurmikon ympäröimä ja taustalla kohoavat komeat puut. Puuterassilla on käytännöllinen oleskelualue sekä pieni puutarha täydentämässä tunnelmaa. Tutustu upeisiin LED-valaisimiin ja luo oma unelmiesi ulkotila!

Remember – more is not always better when it comes to yard lighting

Yard lighting is the result of an overall approach that takes into account the needs and characteristics of the site: after dark, it is good to have street lighting, which increases the safety of the visit and adds atmosphere. It is worth considering the lighting zones and creating differences between the different parts of the courtyard to give a better sense of space. The main entrance and driveway or access to the courtyard, as well as lighting for the stairs, are the most important areas. Warehouse fronts and basement entrances are the second most important lighting points, where, for example, motion detectors can be used to control lighting.

Kolme kuvaa yhdessä kollaasissa: vasemmanpuoleisessa kuvassa on led-valoja puisten lankkujen tasolla, keskimmäisessä spotlight-valo valaisee puutarhan kasveja ja kiviä, ja oikeanpuoleisessa kuvassa sisätiloissa korituolit ja metallikehykseen asennetut led-kattovalot. Tämä inspiroiva yhdistelmä esittelee laadukkaat valaistusratkaisut kaikille tiloille.

The shapes of the courtyard, trees, shrubs and paving stones are lit quite dimly at best, as the large contrasts between light and dark are even unpleasant to look at for many people. The glare effect of light sources is also accentuated against a dark background, which is something to bear in mind when directing lights. The best way to achieve balanced and pleasant garden lighting is to consult a professional and choose lighting that suits your own preferences. It is also useful to see the lights in their real environment before making a purchasing decision, if possible. All the luminaires are on display in LedStore’s shop, installed for your perusal.

Summer cottage on an island, the reference site has lots of photos of outdoor lighting, take a look there too!

Kuusi kuvaa käsittävä kokoelma esittelee LED-ulkovalaistusratkaisuja metsäisellä alueella. Kuvat nostavat esiin polkuvalot, seinään kiinnitettävät kytkimet sekä puiden kohdevalaistustekniikat. Kokonaisuus tuo esille valon esteettisen ja toiminnallisen käytön.

If you are interested in the new possibilities of LED lighting, please contact Lamppukauppa Led Store by calling, emailing or visiting our store in Koivuhaa. We are open Mon, Fri 8.30-15.30 and Tue – Thu 8.30-17, Saturdays 10-14. At least two LED lighting professionals are always on site.

Our services also include a lighting design service and bespoke LED strip lighting and luminaire installation.

1. Miksi mustat pihavalaisimet ovat suosittuja?

Black patio lights are popular because they blend in harmoniously with their surroundings and bring a modern look to the garden. They do not dominate the landscape, but accentuate other elements in the garden.

2. Miten mustat valaisimet vaikuttavat pihan tunnelmaan?

Black luminaires create a stylish and timeless atmosphere in the garden. They provide soft and pleasant lighting that enhances safety and comfort in outdoor spaces.

3. Ovatko mustat pihavalaisimet kestäviä eri sääolosuhteissa?

Yes, quality black patio lights are designed to withstand varying weather conditions. They are made from weather-resistant materials and treated to retain their colour and functionality for a long time.

4. Miten mustat valaisimet vaikuttavat pihan kasveihin ja rakenteisiin?

Black luminaires do not interfere with plants or structures in the garden, but blend in naturally with them. They accentuate the shapes and details of the garden without overpowering them.

5. Voiko mustia pihavalaisimia yhdistää muihin väreihin?

Yes, black patio lights are versatile and go well with many other colours. They work well with colours such as white, grey or natural materials, creating a cohesive and stylish look.

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Sanna Salmela
Lighting blogger and lighting consultant at LedStore since 2016. Background in marketing, sales and communications since 2006. I love how, one article at a time, we bring our lighting expertise to the public, opening up the world of light and its possibilities.