Neljä ihmistä istuu yhdessä purjeveneessä, jota ohjaa heidän rakkautensa mereen. He hymyilevät ja nauttivat aurinkoisesta säästä. Heidän päällään on rentoja kesävaatteita, kuten raidallisia paita ja aurinkolaseja, kun kimalteleva meri ja loputon taivas luovat henkeäsalpaavan taustan. Tämä tunnelmallinen hetki saa entistä enemmän säihkettä laadukkaiden LED-valaistusratkaisujen avulla, jotka tuovat esiin veneilyn riemun ja merielämän kauneuden täydellisesti!


  • Boat lighting significantly improves safety and comfort
  • Led strips and aluminium profiles offer a versatile lighting solution
  • Aluminium profile protects the LED strip and extends its lifetime
  • Lighting can be implemented with 12V, 24V or 230V systems
  • Wireless controllers and rechargeable lamps for added convenience

To maximise your safety and comfort, you should pay attention to your boat’s lighting. Depending on the boat, products suitable for 12V, 24V or 230V systems are chosen. This article presents the lighting that the team at LVI Dalton implemented with LED strip and aluminium profile for their boat. The LED strips were made ready for installation by LedStore’s LedPajka, which made the project much easier.


Versatile LED strip and aluminium profile to protect the LEDs

They wanted to bring light into the boat, not only to the roof spotlights but also to other areas. The solution turned out to be indirect LED strips mounted on an aluminium profile. The LED strips were installed indirectly above the group of sofas behind the curtain wall, so that the light source is hidden but the light opens up beautifully into the living area. This LED strip was installed on the straight wall of the boat. However, boats often have curved shapes, as is the case here. We also wanted to bring the light in through the floor under the curved cabinetry for an atmospheric effect. There were three options: a) to attach the LED strip to the curved shape to illuminate forward without a profile, b) to choose a strip that bends sideways and attach it without a profile, or c) to choose a low aluminium profile for the LED strip that bends to the curved shape. Option c) was chosen with a shallow surface profile, which is attached to the surface by means of screw clips. There are several advantages to attaching the LED strip to the aluminium profile: the aluminium profile is quite flexible so it can be made to conform to the shape of the surface. The profile extends the life of the strip, as aluminium conducts heat away from the strip. The LED strip adheres firmly to a flat metal surface. The profile comes with a matt white cover that diffuses the light and protects the LED strip from dust and bumps. The aluminium profile can also be cut to exactly the right size.

The Led strip mounted on the aluminium profile provides suitable indirect lighting for the boats lounge areas

At LedPaja, LED strips were cut to size and the boat’s lighting was mounted on an aluminium profile and connected to wireless controllers.

Kollaasi kolmesta kuvasta: Vasemmassa yläkulmassa näkyy käsi, joka mittaa puuta mittanauhalla; oikeassa yläkulmassa henkilö osoittaa asennusohjeita LED-kytkimen vieressä; alimmassa kuvassa käsitellään taitavasti johtoja työpöydällä asiantuntevalla otteella.

Boat lighting was installed on both 12V and 230V supply

LedStore’s LED strips offer options for different systems. When purchasing a Led strip, you must choose between 12V or 24V. If the boat lighting will be on a 230V system, a transformer/power supply will also be connected to the led strip. The customer chose both 12V and 24V led strip, and transformers for the 24V strip.

boat lighting can be implemented with wireless control
Tapes and receivers are selected according to the system to which the lights are to be connected


boat lighting, led strip and wireless control
LED strip in aluminium profile was also installed in the bedrooms Dimming is controlled by a wall mounted remote control among other things


The boat can easily be equipped with additional light for small spaces such as cupboards or drawers. If you want to avoid wiring altogether, go for a rechargeable multi-functional light, the Wanda. It can also be taken along on an excursion, as it attaches to the object with a magnet, and can therefore be easily detached to take with you. The photos below are from another customer who loved the versatility of the Wanda on a sailing trip.

Kolmen kuvan kollaasi: LED-valo loistaa keittiön kaapin alla lähellä tiskiallasta, henkilö pitelee LED-valoa vihreässä pussissa järven rannalla, ja kaksi kirkasta LED-valoa lepää kivellä ulkona.
The Wanda multi functional luminaire is a handy addition for many lighting needs


Ask us more about boat lighting and come and see the options on site at LedSTore, or online at!

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Sanna Salmela
Lighting blogger and lighting consultant at LedStore since 2016. Background in marketing, sales and communications since 2006. I love how, one article at a time, we bring our lighting expertise to the public, opening up the world of light and its possibilities.

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