Wireless controllers simplify the installation of light switches and dimmers. In addition, the controls allow the Kelvin levels of the new colour temperature adjustable luminaires to be adjusted between warm …

LedStoren valaisimet ja ABB-free@home kotiautomaatiojärjestelmä
Yhtenä olennaisena osana älykotia on valaistus. Älykodin ajastettavat ja ohjelmoitavat valaistustilanteet helpottavat päivittäistä elämää, ja ovat myös isossa roolissa kodin mukavuustekijänä. Ovatko älyvalaisimet sitten aivan oma lajinsa? Entä mitä kotiautomaatiolla …

LedStore’s product safety
Product safety is important Product safety means that products and services must not endanger the health and property of consumers. In Finland, the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) is …

Zigbee lighting control, part 3
In this Zigbee article, we discuss the pairing of LedStore’s lighting control devices, light bulbs, door sensor, underfloor heating thermostat (not lighting control) and socket receiver (230V) to four different …

Led light price – what is quality made of?
Price of light Led light? What does the price of light LED light really consist of? In summary, the following issues: quality of the led circuit, service life, dimmability, light …

Zigbee lighting control part 2 – Zigbee devices and pairing review
Zigbee devices for wireless lighting control enable timers and different lighting situations for almost any lighting fixture in your home. This article will walk you through setting up a Zigbee …

Zigbee lighting control part 1
Zigbee wireless lighting control enables timings and different lighting situations for almost any lighting fixture in the home using Zigbee wireless control receivers, controllers and hubs. This article will go …

How does home lighting design affect you?
Home lighting design should be scheduled before or at the same time as electrical design to ensure that the right number of power points are placed in the right places. …