Yhtenä olennaisena osana älykotia on valaistus. Älykodin ajastettavat ja ohjelmoitavat valaistustilanteet helpottavat päivittäistä elämää, ja ovat myös isossa roolissa kodin mukavuustekijänä. Ovatko älyvalaisimet sitten aivan oma lajinsa? Entä mitä kotiautomaatiolla …

Zigbee lighting control, part 3
In this Zigbee article, we discuss the pairing of LedStore’s lighting control devices, light bulbs, door sensor, underfloor heating thermostat (not lighting control) and socket receiver (230V) to four different …

Zigbee lighting control part 2 – Zigbee devices and pairing review
Zigbee devices for wireless lighting control enable timers and different lighting situations for almost any lighting fixture in your home. This article will walk you through setting up a Zigbee …

Zigbee lighting control part 1
Zigbee wireless lighting control enables timings and different lighting situations for almost any lighting fixture in the home using Zigbee wireless control receivers, controllers and hubs. This article will go …

Apartment on Töölönlahti beach gets new lighting with versatile LEDs
LedStore was involved from lighting design to the purchase of luminaires in the complete renovation of a high-end apartment on the shore of Töölönlahti Bay in Helsinki. A wide variety …

Colour temperature adjustment of spotlights, even according to the time of day
You can adjust the colour temperature of spotlights with Philips HUE, for example. Colour temperature control of spotlights is possible in every home using wireless devices. Colour temperature controllers are …

Colour temperature adjustment of spotlights, even according to the time of day
You can adjust the colour temperature of spotlights with Philips HUE, for example. Colour temperature control of spotlights is possible in every home using wireless devices. Colour temperature controllers are …