Here are 10 reasons to choose LED lights for your home: Long life – Led light lasts up to 80,000 hours Low energy consumption – Led lights consume 90% less …

Led lights are the best technology for home lighting
Why are Led lights the best solution for home lighting? Led lights are the best choice because: Long service life Low energy consumption Less waste Led lights are safe Benefits …

Led strip lighting – a comprehensive guide to choosing led strip lighting
Led strip light – a comprehensive guide to choosing a led strip light Led strip lights are increasingly popular for general lighting in the home. You’ve probably heard the arguments …

Successful lighting renovation of a lowered plaster ceiling with LED strip lighting and Hidden spotlights
With a lowered plaster ceiling, the lighting renovation was decided to be carried out in the LedStore premises using new high colour rendering index, colour temperature adjustable 22 W/m LED …

How to illuminate stairs with LED strip lighting
Interior staircases are often left dark, requiring additional lighting afterwards. If there are no wall or ceiling light points, one effective way is to light the steps of the staircase. …

How does home lighting design affect you?
Home lighting design should be scheduled before or at the same time as electrical design to ensure that the right number of power points are placed in the right places. …

Custom-made Led lighting for kitchen
The LED light list provides individual lighting solutions for every kitchen, taking into account the shape and dimensions of the kitchen. The location of kitchen furniture and the style and …

Aluminium strip and its use in LED lighting
The aluminium strip is the part of the LED strip installation that is often hidden in indirect lighting installations. However, the profile has a major impact on the direction of …