Indirect light on the ceiling, all set

Making indirect light on the ceiling, renovation of a duplex

Making indirect light on the ceiling? Is it difficult and expensive? Housing acquired and dull concrete roofs. Most of the roofs in apartment buildings have cavity tile roofs with a …

Interior designer’s lighting choices – showcasing a completed apartment building

Interior designer Riikka Patrikainen / Design Mood Oy, planned and managed a tight project from start to finish, when the apartment in Pikku-Huopalahti was renovated according to the clients’ wishes. …

Zigbee lighting control part 5 – how to pair up

This “how to pair” article provides easy-to-follow practical instructions for pairing our Zigbee products between the hub, transformers/receivers and controllers. So far we have had good experiences with Philips HUE, …

How does lighting design take home decoration to the next level?

Professional lighting design can add atmosphere to your home and enhance its most beautiful details. LedStore helped Alisa to design and implement the perfect lighting solutions for her new detached …

Indirect light on the ceiling profile

Indirect light on the ceiling, retrofittable with LED profile

Do you need more light in your hallway or bedroom? Do you need to add some mood lighting to your living room, but you don’t have electricity or light switches …

High-quality work lighting for the hairdresser’s salon

ATMOS Helsinki’s new hairdressing salon needed high quality working lighting that would be suitable for precise hairdressing work. The owners completely renovated the premises, which meant that new solutions could …