Led valonauhaa on joka paikassa. Niihin tulee vikoja, mutta mistä tiedän miten se korjataan? Led nauhan vianmääritys voi olla vaikeaa. Vielä muutama vuosi sitten led tekniikka oli vain asiantuntijoiden tiedossa. …

How long do LED strips last?
One of the main advantages of LED strips is their very long lifetime. But how long does the led tape actually last? How is lifetime defined? LED strip lights typically …

How to fix a flickering LED strip?
The flickering LED strip is a nuisance that needs to be fixed. There are different reasons for flickering light, at different levels. Some of the flicker is visible and distracting …

RGB led strip lighting for different areas of the home
LED lighting is a versatile and energy-efficient option for any home. In addition to lasting longer and consuming less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights are also available in …

Can the led strip be cut? 10 questions
Here are the 10 most frequently asked questions about LED strip lighting: Can the LED strip be cut? – Yes, you can. Depending on the LED strip, the cutting distance …

Dotless led strip vs traditional led strip
Dotless led tape is the type of tape that customers have been asking for for a long time. Read more and we’ll tell you how it differs from traditional LED …

Led strip lighting – a comprehensive guide to choosing led strip lighting
Led strip light – a comprehensive guide to choosing a led strip light Led strip lights are increasingly popular for general lighting in the home. You’ve probably heard the arguments …

Making indirect light on the ceiling, renovation of a duplex
Making indirect light on the ceiling? Is it difficult and expensive? Housing acquired and dull concrete roofs. Most of the roofs in apartment buildings have cavity tile roofs with a …