Need renovation – too little light on the window side of the room The starting point for the renovation was additional lighting in a living room of around 32 square …

Custom-made Led lighting for kitchen
The LED light list provides individual lighting solutions for every kitchen, taking into account the shape and dimensions of the kitchen. The location of kitchen furniture and the style and …

Colour-changing RGB and W LED strip for high-quality installations
RGB LED strip has many different uses in the home or office. The colour-changing LED strip makes it easy to highlight structures or create mood lighting. The LED strip can …

5 most important things to know when designing LED strip lighting
The five most important things to know when designing LED strip lighting LED strip lighting provides lighting suitable for many applications and uses. Like other lighting, it needs some planning. …

Choose the right LED strip light – the power output will affect the application
Led strip lighting is selected according to the lighting needs and the application. LedStore’s own-brand LED strips offer enough choice and possibilities to meet both small and large lighting needs …

Led strip for the kitchen – how to choose the lighting in your space!
We have good experience that led strip for kitchen works for countertop lighting. Using Led strip lighting, you can create the perfect solution for lighting kitchen partitions under the upper …

TUNNELMA led ribbon brings freedom to choose the colour temperature
When choosing a Led light, there is no need to decide what shade (warm or cool white) of light you want from the luminaire. The colour temperature, i.e. the shade …