Home lighting design should be scheduled before or at the same time as electrical design to ensure that the right number of power points are placed in the right places. …

Colour rendering of LEDs – what is the difference between CRI and Ra?
There is a difference in colour rendering between CRI and RA values of LEDs. LED lights that produce white light have been accused of producing a bluish or even greyish …

How do the wireless control of LED lighting works?
Wireless control, in its simplest form, means creating a radio frequency (RF) link between a receiver connected to a luminaire and a controller. Establishing a wireless connection is simple and …

What do you want to know about LedStore spots?
Led spot has many names, spot, downlight, upspot, downlight. After all, we at LedStore have been involved in the development of the LED spotlight for almost 10 years, and we …

What is the basis for claims that LED lights are dangerous?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Huomionherättämistarkoituksissa kirjoitetut artikkelit, joissa otsikoinnilla leimataan kategorisesti led-valot vaarallisiksi, vaativat hieman pureskelua. LedStoren valikoimiin kuuluvat kodin ja toimitilojen yleis- ja tunnelmavalaistuksen led-tuotteet, kuten led-spotit ja led-paneelit, led-nauhat sekä led-seinävalot, ja …

Led lighting price – what does led lighting cost?
Why is it cheaper to buy a lamp from another manufacturer even though it looks the same? But appearances can be deceptive. Many recessed LED lights look similar and it …