[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Led muuntaja hallitsee sitä, kuinka paljon virtaa yksittäinen led tai led-ryhmä saa. Ledit, eli valoa tuottavat diodit ovat vähäenergisiä valonlähteitä, joilla on pitkä käyttöikä ja vähäinen energiankulutus. Tämän vuoksi niille …

How long do LED strips last?
One of the main advantages of LED strips is their very long lifetime. But how long does the led tape actually last? How is lifetime defined? LED strip lights typically …

Led can’t withstand heat, why?
Believe it or not, cooler air can make LED lights burn brighter and last longer, while a hot environment will shorten the life of the LED. Why can’t LED withstand …

Lumen and watt
Lumen and Watti, how do they differ and what do they have in common? Lumens are mainly used to determine the light intensity of a bulb. A larger lumen volume …

Why are light bulbs not made to last?
Why are light bulbs not made to last? Light bulbs last only 1 000 hours, washing machines 5 years, televisions 5 years… Things are no longer built to last. Why? …

The history of LEDs in brief
Have you ever heard the phrase “there is always room for improvement”? Well, this applies to LED development more than you think. The history of LEDs and their evolution has …