Indirect light on the ceiling, all set

Making indirect light on the ceiling, renovation of a duplex

Making indirect light on the ceiling? Is it difficult and expensive? Housing acquired and dull concrete roofs. Most of the roofs in apartment buildings have cavity tile roofs with a …

Nykyaikainen keittiö, jossa on tyylikkäät mustavalkoiset kaapistot, lasiovinen viinikaappi ja marmori-välitila. Sisältää riippuvalaisimet sekä lasisen ruokapöydän tuoleineen, ja kultaisen hanan. LED-kattovalaistus tuo huoneeseen miellyttävän tunnelman.

Interior designer’s lighting choices – showcasing a completed apartment building

Interior designer Riikka Patrikainen / Design Mood Oy, planned and managed a tight project from start to finish, when the apartment in Pikku-Huopalahti was renovated according to the clients’ wishes. …

Indirect light on the ceiling profile

Indirect light on the ceiling, retrofittable with LED profile

Do you need more light in your hallway or bedroom? Do you need to add some mood lighting to your living room, but you don’t have electricity or light switches … verkkokaupassa valon arvo nousee esiin, kun suuri ja kiiltävän vihreälehtinen Monstera-kasvi on sijoitettu vaaleansävyiselle puujalustalle, teksturoidun beigen seinän eteen. Ylhäältä tuleva pehmeä LED-valaistus korostaa kasvin elinvoimaista lehvästöä.

Led plant lighting increases plant well-being during the dark period

Plants need light and water. With the help of led solar lighting. In Finland, light is usually less naturally available than either of these two, so attention must be paid …