Product safety is important Product safety means that products and services must not endanger the health and property of consumers. In Finland, the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) is …

Led light price – what is quality made of?
Price of light Led light? What does the price of light LED light really consist of? In summary, the following issues: quality of the led circuit, service life, dimmability, light …

What is the basis for claims that LED lights are dangerous?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Huomionherättämistarkoituksissa kirjoitetut artikkelit, joissa otsikoinnilla leimataan kategorisesti led-valot vaarallisiksi, vaativat hieman pureskelua. LedStoren valikoimiin kuuluvat kodin ja toimitilojen yleis- ja tunnelmavalaistuksen led-tuotteet, kuten led-spotit ja led-paneelit, led-nauhat sekä led-seinävalot, ja …