Kitchen cabinet lighting with cool light

Led strip light installation in a display cabinet

The installation of a Led strip light in a display cabinet is also possible with the right tools. The kitchen received mood lighting and task lighting in one go. Read …

Led strip light for living room beam, indirect light in living room main picture

Indirect lighting for living room, led strip light installation

Indirect lighting in the living room? You can do it. At the same time, general lighting was also installed. The lighting was made two-level by attaching LED light strips to …

Moderni katto upotetuilla neliön muotoisilla LED-valaisimilla minimalistisessa huoneessa. Kattorajoja kiertää pehmeä, epäsuora valaistus, joka luo lämpimän tunnelman. Täydelliset valaistusratkaisut tähän tyyliin löydät!

Successful lighting renovation of a lowered plaster ceiling with LED strip lighting and Hidden spotlights

With a lowered plaster ceiling, the lighting renovation was decided to be carried out in the LedStore premises using new high colour rendering index, colour temperature adjustable 22 W/m LED …