Lighting plans for a detached house are made on a floor plan

Home lighting design to help you choose the right light bulbs

Home lighting design is an important part of home renovation or construction, and it’s not a good idea to leave it until the last minute. Few people manage to buy …

Led strip under kitchen cabinets

Led strip for the kitchen – how to choose the lighting in your space!

We have good experience that led strip for kitchen works for countertop lighting. Using Led strip lighting, you can create the perfect solution for lighting kitchen partitions under the upper …

Moderni kaksikerroksinen talo, jossa on tyylikäs musta katto ja valkoinen ulkoverhous. Sisäänkäyntiä korostaa näyttävä LED-valaistus, jonka ansiosta leveät portaat lasikaiteineen johtavat mustalle ovelle. Suuret ikkunat reunustavat sisäänkäyntiä, ja valaistu polku rajautuu huolella maisemoituihin pieniin pensaisiin.

Dimming of Led luminaires in different automation systems

A home control system such as ABB free@home or KNX is often used to automatically switch on, switch off and dim LED luminaires. Lighting can also be intelligently controlled via …

10 tips from LedStore - avoid making bad choices when buying LED lighting

Avoid making bad choices when buying LED lighting – 10 tips from LedStore

LED luminaires are energy-efficient and good for lighting homes, offices and other spaces. When comparing efficiency and LED prices, you may make a mistake if you don’t know a few …

Light blue building with "2014" plaque, cat weather vane on roof, softly lit by LED lights. Perfect for energy-efficient illumination.

Led outdoor lighting – consider these points

Outdoor lighting is important in Finnish conditions. The use of LEDs is an excellent option, as they are very resistant to cold temperatures. You can create a versatile and functional …