If you’re looking for ways to enliven your sauna experience, have you considered the power of LED lighting? Lighting your sauna creatively is best done with LEDs. With Led lights …

Relaxing sauna lighting
Taking a sauna is a popular way to relax and unwind in many cultures around the world. The sauna has many relaxing effects, not only due to the heat and …

Sauna renovation and lighting
Sauna renovation and lighting are important things to consider to increase the use and enjoyment of your sauna. Lighting plays an important role and directly affects the atmosphere and comfort …

Do I choose a constant current or DC voltage led transformer for my led?
With so many options available, choosing the right LED transformer can sometimes seem overwhelming. In this article we will go through the question of constant current or DC voltage. In …

Led tube to replace fluorescent tube
Led tube to replace fluorescent tube? The sale of the parasitic wasp will end in the EU in autumn 2023. What to replace? Read the article on how to replace …

RGBW led strip light
Do you want to create an atmosphere in your home or business? Want to make a room or space look festive and unique? With LED strip lights this is possible, …

CCT adjustable led strip light
The CCT adjustable LED strip light is a great way to add atmosphere to your home. The light strip allows you to adjust the hue of the light as you …

Led transformer – What is it?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Led muuntaja hallitsee sitä, kuinka paljon virtaa yksittäinen led tai led-ryhmä saa. Ledit, eli valoa tuottavat diodit ovat vähäenergisiä valonlähteitä, joilla on pitkä käyttöikä ja vähäinen energiankulutus. Tämän vuoksi niille …