The multifunctional central library Oodi in Helsinki has used LED pillar tables manufactured in cooperation between LedStore and Sisuwood, which make use of LED strip and aluminium profiles for some …
At LedShop you can have a custom-made kitchen led strip made to measure
LED strip lighting solutions for the kitchen are unique to each home. This is because kitchens vary in shape and size. The location of kitchen furniture and the style and …
Wired dimmers from LedStore, Schneider and ABB tested with LedStore luminaires
Most of LedStore’s luminaires, strips and bulbs can be dimmed. In practice, however, there are several things that can cause either uneven dimming or buzzing when dimming. However, dimming can …
Home lighting design to help you choose the right light bulbs
Home lighting design is an important part of home renovation or construction, and it’s not a good idea to leave it until the last minute. Few people manage to buy …
Led strip for the kitchen – how to choose the lighting in your space!
We have good experience that led strip for kitchen works for countertop lighting. Using Led strip lighting, you can create the perfect solution for lighting kitchen partitions under the upper …
How to create good makeup lighting?
It is important to have a good lighting, especially when applying makeup. This guarantees a good and even end result, with right amount of makeup applied as well as right …
Transformer for led strip – choose the right power supply
When you buy an LED strip light from us, you also need a power supply, i.e. a transformer. The same thing can also be referred to colloquially as a voltage …
What is the basis for claims that LED lights are dangerous?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Huomionherättämistarkoituksissa kirjoitetut artikkelit, joissa otsikoinnilla leimataan kategorisesti led-valot vaarallisiksi, vaativat hieman pureskelua. LedStoren valikoimiin kuuluvat kodin ja toimitilojen yleis- ja tunnelmavalaistuksen led-tuotteet, kuten led-spotit ja led-paneelit, led-nauhat sekä led-seinävalot, ja …