Why does led strip need an aluminium profile

Why does the LED strip need an aluminium profile?

Led lighting is becoming increasingly popular in both homes and businesses, and one of the most popular led lighting solutions is the led strip light. But why does the LED …

Constant Current or Constant Voltage

Do I choose a constant current or DC voltage led transformer for my led?

With so many options available, choosing the right LED transformer can sometimes seem overwhelming. In this article we will go through the question of constant current or DC voltage. In …

What is a led transformer article description

Led transformer – What is it?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Led muuntaja hallitsee sitä, kuinka paljon virtaa yksittäinen led tai led-ryhmä saa. Ledit, eli valoa tuottavat diodit ovat vähäenergisiä valonlähteitä, joilla on pitkä käyttöikä ja vähäinen energiankulutus. Tämän vuoksi niille …