One of the most important aspects of lighting is the ability to adjust the brightness. This is where dimming techniques come in, and in recent years LED dimming has evolved …

Led Dimming – Choosing the technology
Haluatko päivittää kotisi valaistuksen ja hyödyntää led-valaistuksen energiansäästöetuja? Led himmennys auttaa säästämään sähköä! Halusitpa sitten luoda tunnelmallisen tunnelman olohuoneeseesi tai vain säästää energialaskuissa, sinun kannattaa harkita investoimista led-himmennysjärjestelmään. Tässä artikkelissa …

RGB led strip lighting for different areas of the home
LED lighting is a versatile and energy-efficient option for any home. In addition to lasting longer and consuming less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights are also available in …

Lumen and watt
Lumen and Watti, how do they differ and what do they have in common? Lumens are mainly used to determine the light intensity of a bulb. A larger lumen volume …

Why are light bulbs not made to last?
Why are light bulbs not made to last? Light bulbs last only 1 000 hours, washing machines 5 years, televisions 5 years… Things are no longer built to last. Why? …

Led lights – Installation guide for beginners
LED lights are a great way to save energy and money on your electricity bill. They are also durable and have a wide range of uses, making them an excellent …

Use of LED lights in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is associated with seasonal changes. It is characterised by symptoms such as low mood, …

Use of LED lights in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is associated with seasonal changes. It is characterised by symptoms such as low mood, …