LedStore.fi:n modernissa valaistusratkaisussa käytetään suuria peilejä ja beigejä tuoleja, jotka yhdistyvät tyylikkäästi puupöydän ympärillä olevaan ryhmään vihreitä samettituoleja. Katosta riippuu LED-valoilla viimeistelty näyttävä kattokruunu, joka luo tilaan tunnelmaa. Kasvit lisäävät ripauksen vehreyttä tähän raikkaaseen ja valoisaan ympäristöön, jonka jokainen elementti korostuu LED-valaistuksen avulla.


  • ATMOS Helsinki renewed its hairdressing salon with high-quality working lighting
  • Large LED panels and directional spotlights were installed in the space
  • Led panels provide uniform light and a high colour rendering index
  • FOKUS track lighting brings light to wash areas without dazzling customers
  • Lighting control was implemented with wireless dimming and colour temperature control

ATMOS Helsinki’s new hairdressing salon needed high quality working lighting that would be suitable for precise hairdressing work. The owners completely renovated the premises, which meant that new solutions could also be found for the lighting. For general lighting, large LED panels and directional spotlights were chosen for the premises, with the light being precisely controlled so as not to dazzle customers in the wash area.

Led panels provide enough light

“In a barbershop, lighting plays a very important role. A lot of light is needed and it has to be as even as possible to avoid shadows. A high colour rendering index ensures that the hair colours look right,” says Atmos Helsinki Ltd. Joni Laulumaa.

High quality working lighting with large ledd panels
Large skylight like LED panel luminaires were chosen for the workstations to provide sufficient uniform light Modern chandeliers are the eye catchers of the space Photo by Harri Åkerberg

Lighting matters in high space

The height of the space was a key factor in the choice of lighting for the salon. The amount of light decreases rapidly the higher the room. For example, as the height of a room increases from 2.5 metres to 3.6 metres, the amount of light needs to be doubled. Light is best in a bright space, where light can be reflected off surfaces. It is good that the Atmos has light-coloured ceilings and other general colouring. The glossy surface of stone tiled floors also has a positive effect on lighting.

“Our space has a room height of 3.6 metres and we wanted to keep it as spacious as possible. We opted for ceiling-mounted LED panels, which have sufficient light output, a high colour rendering index and are unobtrusive. Many customers have mistaken these for roof windows. In addition, the adjustable colour temperature allows you to create just the right atmosphere in the salon. The LED panels also provide even, high-quality light, making working pleasant for the eyes,” says Laulumaa.

Atmos’ high quality task lighting was created by surface-mounted 600×1200 panels with 72W input power and 6000 lumens of light output per luminaire. If the same light output had been obtained with halogen lamps, the light output would have multiplied. The salon continuously saves around 7 times more electricity in panels alone than halogens, which has been the salon’s goal as a responsible energy consumer.

Kuvailu nykyaikaisesta minimalistisen sisustuksen omaavasta tilasta, joka sopii LedStore.fi led-valaistustuotteiden verkkokauppaan: Vasemmalla puolella on työpisteitä peileineen ja beigeine tuoleineen, LED-nauhoilla valaistut puupaneelit korostavat tilaa. Hyllyiltä löytyy tuotteita esteettisesti esillä. Oikealla puolella avara alue, jossa on tyylikkäät kattokruunut, beigeä ja vihreää istuinryhmää sekä suuret ikkunat luonnonvalolle.
Above each workstation an eye friendly Panel 600×1200 illuminates the work area Photo LedStore

High-quality task lighting with Fokus track lighting

“The rail lights at the wash stations can be aimed directly at the pool and the customer’s hair, without the light hitting the customer’s eyes. So the light is where it’s needed and the rest of the space can be kept atmospherically dim. Perfect!” says Laulumaa, praising the lighting in the wash area for relaxation and calming.

In the wash area, the right amount of light is provided by FOKUS luminaires, which are fully directional (360 degrees) and dimmable. Focus features an adjustable beam opening angle, so the direction of the light and the sharpness of the beam can be selected individually for each luminaire.

The number of luminaires and control was planned with the customer using LedStore

“The design visit was quick and we received expert service,” says Laulumaa, describing the design process. LedStore’s Janne Halttu sat down with the client over the floor plans: “Two spectacular ceiling lights had been chosen for the space, so they were paired with large, elegant LED panels on top of the chairs. The surface frames solved the installation challenge of the stone ceiling, as no recesses could be made in the surface. Another critical point was to get enough light into the washing area, but at the same time the atmosphere had to remain calm. We chose FOKUS track lighting to solve this problem”. We chose wireless dimming and colour temperature control from LedStore’s range to avoid having to rewire the stone-walled space and to make all the features of the luminaires easily accessible to the customer,” adds Halttu, who designed the lighting control system.

FOKUS track lighting at the hairdresser's wash point
FOKUS directional track lighting was chosen to provide high quality working lighting without dazzling customers Photo by Harri Åkerberg
FOKUS-kiskovalaisimet, vasemmalla 15W musta ja oikealla 35W musta. © LedStore
FOKUS track lights 15W black on the left and 35W black on the right Photo LedStore

If you are interested in a quality and professional hairdressing experience, check out Atmos Helsinki online at https://www.atmoshelsinki.fi/.

If you are interested in the new possibilities of LED lighting, please contact Lamppukauppa Led Store by calling, emailing or visiting our store in Koivuhaa. We are open Mon, Fri 8.30-15.30 and Tue – Thu 8.30-17, Saturdays 10-14. There are always at least two LED lighting professionals on site. Our services also include a lighting design service and bespoke manufacturing of LED strip lighting.

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Sanna Salmela
Lighting blogger and lighting consultant at LedStore since 2016. Background in marketing, sales and communications since 2006. I love how, one article at a time, we bring our lighting expertise to the public, opening up the world of light and its possibilities.

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