Product safety is important

Product safety means that products and services must not endanger the health and property of consumers. In Finland, the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) is a licensing and supervisory authority that promotes the safety and reliability of products, services and industrial activities. The aim is to protect people, property and the environment from safety risks. The slogan of Tukes is “Bringer of protection” (

From LedStore’s point of view, it is also important that the quality of LED lights sold in Finland is high and that customers can rely on them. The product must also be electrically safe. Tukes’ active work on product safety includes, among other things, spot testing, which is important as a large number of LED lighting suppliers and lighting options have entered the market in the last few years. Energy-efficient LEDs are rapidly replacing fluorescent, halogen and incandescent lamps, among others. For example, Tukes recommends the use of LED light sources because of their energy efficiency and lower fire risk (e.g. in Lighting fires increased – fires decreased), but also notes that the main victims of electrical safety failures in spot tests are chargers, transformers and LED lights (published 23.2.2022). In other words, a product made too cheaply is not electrically safe.

The Led Store has its own product development and product control. Ownership is also a family business. in your own hands. The whole product chain is also under our own control and the production batches are small enough compared to international waste to be managed quite easily. For the most sophisticated components, the company has its own contract manufacturers and the brand. This way we can ensure that the luminaires we sell are product-safe.

The features and details of the LED spotlight have a number of elements that affect quality and therefore price

Electrical safety of transformers, there are differences

“Be careful not to buy the cheapest, because there is always a reason for the cheap price,” reminds LedStore entrepreneur Janne Halttu. Having manufactured, imported, sold and installed LED lights for more than 10 years, Janne has learned that a cheap price always includes a risk of failure and electrical safety: “components are easily damaged, i.e. there may be shortcomings in fault current, short-circuit protection or moisture resistance, which increases the risk of electric shock or fire”.

LedStore was subjected to a spot test in 2018, which revealed that the so-called “LedStore” products we had in our range were not. two of the no-brand transformers turned out to be non-compliant. These products have been removed from the range and we are not listed in Tukes’ market surveillance register. It is important to be product-safe. As a result of the testing, we gained more information and had a good discussion with Tukes about product safety. The spot test confirmed the idea we already had in mind, so we decided to renew all LED strip transformers in the same year 2018, in order to strengthen product safety and increase product quality in other aspects as well.

Our ballasts have, among other things, residual current and short-circuit protection, and internal earthing to the transformer is built-in. We wrote about the new transformers in 2018 in an article about the improved efficiency of Led strip transformers, which reduces electricity bills. These drivers have proven to be a good choice and thoroughly tested, electrically safe choices.

In the spot test, we received the green light from Tukes for all the so-called “green light” products we tested. standard transformers that we use for downlights, i.e. spotlights and LED panel lights. In addition, our VaLO series transformers for wireless control are of high quality and have many certifications.

Good transformer efficiency is a guarantee of quality. Extensively tested, electrically safe drivers
LedStores Mean Well 24VDC series drivers 40W 600W

Warranty, product exchanges, product knowledge

All incoming and outgoing products go through our own team, and we have direct access to the manufacturing factories. This allows us to react immediately and make product changes when situations require it. We receive and manage all product returns, recalls and exchanges, so we have up-to-date information on the quality of our products and any problems customers may encounter. So far, we have been able to provide personal service for even the smallest questions and issues related to LED quality and safety. Long warranty periods are proof of high quality and product safety.

We have deliberately kept our range quite limited, so that we can offer a quality continuum of products. All our products are carefully selected, and we make sure that warranty and spare parts are available for years to come.

Proven product-safe light
LedStores downlights or spotlights have a replaceable daisy chained power supply and in most models a threaded module that can be replaced if necessary The product has a 5 7 year guarantee

Product safety can only be achieved with the right installation

Although installing LedStore products is easy, for mains power installations, consult a professional electrician. For example. the switching country, the so-called. the connection to the sugar cane, and the installation of the plug at the transformer’s mains end can be done by the consumer, as long as he knows what he is doing. Always keep product safety in mind and only a correctly installed product is also electrically safe. The low voltage installation/connection of low current products, i.e. the 12V, 24V and 36V products in the LedStore range, is freer as the voltage is low. Typical low-current products are led strips and a typical low-current job is to connect a strip strip to the low-current side of a transformer. This is something consumers can do themselves, as long as they are familiar with the subject. More information on electrical work can be found in the Home Electrical Safety Guide, which can be downloaded from the Tukes Electrical Installations page.

electrically safe and product-safe product
drivers square 24VDC led panels and round led panels are selected according to the application On the left a group transformer for wireless control allowing eg the colour temperature and brightness of the four LED panels are controlled by a single controller which is paired with a wireless control transformer Plafond in the centre with standard colour temperature control switch When installed the switch selects the colour temperature Kelvin of the white light warm neutral or cold The plafond also includes a dimmable power supply and a black chainable mounting box

A foreign online shop or a domestic brick-and-mortar retailer?

The key issue of the e-commerce seller’s responsibility versus the domestic versus foreign seller is who is responsible for the safety of the product. Tukes also points out in its article that the importer of products purchased from outside Finland or the EU is responsible for the safety of the products. As an importer, the consumer is therefore relying on his own knowledge of product quality and safety when buying from an online shop outside the EU = the consumer is responsible for product safety.

So when it comes to product knowledge, you should trust a domestic player and be careful when shopping online. Online shops can also now look domestic, when in reality the seller is somewhere else. Lamppukauppa Led Store Oy sells its products only on its own website and on one external website of the Schibsted Finland group online store.

Some LedStore customers have also considered buying directly from e.g. from China, but Heikki Kotiranta, among others, was pleased with the level of service and product knowledge that LedStore had and recommends others to avoid online shopping in distant countries when purchasing electrical equipment. Read more about his lighting project on our blog: a new detached house got the lighting they wanted with LedStore’s products and design.

Product-safe installation, things to consider

There are a few things to keep in mind, especially for recessed ceiling lights, to ensure the longevity of the product. For example, even though our downlights are quite low, sometimes you may encounter vapour barrier plastic or paper behind the column, or even wool in some crawlspaces. Let’s put product safety first.

The LED spotlight or panel should not be installed directly onto plastic or wool, leaving about 1-2 cm of cooling space. The most common method is to insert a piece of plasterboard or a board between light and the plastic/paper, and in this way make room for the spot, because the 9W LED circuit will generate heat even if driver is placed away from the light source. There is no risk of fire, and even in the event of a failure, the product is safe. Our standard power supplies, our transformers, are self-extinguishing . If driver short-circuits, the fire protection allows the driver to break, darken and swell, but not burst into flames. If the LED circuit overheats, it simply goes out, i.e. it breaks. This is a safe product.

The transformer load for LED strips and LED spot or LED panel groups should be selected with a load margin of 15-20%. This way the driver is not overloaded and does not fail prematurely, and also helps to ensure that product safety is maintained. We also do not recommend installing LED strip transformers tightly against any material, even if they are well protected. Indeed, the surface temperature of the transformer can reach 70-80 degrees Celsius, which will curl part of the vapour barrier and cause an air leak. Preferably install drivers behind the service hatches, and place drivers scattered around each LED strip. A “farm” of several large transformers in a confined space is a warming effect. The operating temperature of transformers is -20 to around +40 degrees Celsius, so it is a good idea to keep the room below 40 degrees Celsius to ensure that driver works well and lasts a long time. In modern smart solutions, driver is often placed on top of or inside cabinets, or close enough to technical spaces to allow good ventilation. In the case of transformers installed in a visible position, special emphasis should be placed on ensuring that the installation is electrically safe.

We have compiled installation information on our website under information/installation.

Or here is some information on transformer selection

electrically safe and product-safe installation in the intermediate ceiling is also obtained neatly
The transformer service hatch is made invisible by the roofs own panel material In the bathroom indirect LED strip lighting is an atmospheric and efficient lighting solution


You are welcome to visit LedStore’s All in One store in Koivuhakka, Vantaa or call, email or chat! We serve all customers, from consumers to construction companies, through all channels. Our up-to-date contact details and demonstration videos are available on the shop’s website.

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Sanna Salmela
Lighting blogger and lighting consultant at LedStore since 2016. Background in marketing, sales and communications since 2006. I love how, one article at a time, we bring our lighting expertise to the public, opening up the world of light and its possibilities.