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LED lighting has rapidly become the most popular lighting solution in homes and businesses in recent years. Led lighting is of great importance for the visibility of a company.

This article is part of a series of articles on energy efficient advertising lighting with LED lights.

The importance of LED lighting for the visibility of your business

There are many reasons behind this growing trend, such as the energy efficiency and longevity of LEDs, but one major factor is definitely the effectiveness of LEDs in improving the visibility of a business.

It is important to note that when we talk about ‘visibility’ in this context, we are not only talking about the light that can be physically perceived, but also about the image that a company creates of itself.

By using LED lighting in the right way, you can make your business stand out from the competition, attract more customers and create a positive brand image.

Whether it’s a restaurant, shop or office building, as a professional I know how crucial a comprehensive lighting plan can be to success.

Keep reading to learn more about why the importance of LED lighting for business visibility is not just hype – it’s a real game changer in today’s business environment.

Energy efficiency and cost savings

Improving energy efficiency and reducing costs are key objectives for companies that want to remain competitive in today’s market.

LED lighting plays an important role in achieving these goals, offering significant advantages over conventional lighting. One of the biggest benefits is energy savings: LED lamps have a long lifetime, up to 50 000 hours or more, and consume a fraction of the energy of incandescent lamps, for example.

As a result, companies can save significant amounts of money on energy and maintenance costs.

In addition to the benefits of increased energy efficiency, LED lighting can also reduce other operational costs. For example, modern intelligent lighting solutions allow for better light control and adaptation of spaces to different uses.

This allows you to optimise both worker comfort and production efficiency – all while cutting costs. In terms of corporate visibility, LED lighting offers an attractive and effective way to highlight a company’s identity, brand and values – without major additional investment or energy consumption.

Improving the look and feel of your business

While energy efficiency and cost savings are important reasons to invest in LED lighting, improving the appearance of a company is also a major factor. Lighting can have a big impact on the first impression customers have of a business and the services or products it offers. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right luminaires and to consider their placement and colour so that they create the desired look.

There are many advantages to branding your company’s appearance with LED lighting:

  • Accentuate the commercial space: well-designed lighting helps to highlight the business’s prominence in the surrounding cityscape.
  • Create an atmosphere: playing with different colours allows you to create a unique atmosphere that attracts customers in.
  • Supports the brand message: the right shade of light can be used to effectively convey the values and image of the company.
  • Improves safety: comprehensive and uniform lighting increases safety in the area, especially at night.
  • Flexibility to change: modern LED luminaires make it easy to adjust and adapt lighting to different campaigns or seasons, for example.

Improving the look of your business with LED lighting is an investment that can deliver significant value in the long term. The impact of lighting on a company’s image is not just aesthetic – it can also help attract new customers and strengthen brand identity and visibility.

The importance of LED lighting for the visibility of your business_4
The importance of LED lighting for the visibility of your business_4

Improving the customer experience

It is important to stress that the importance of LED lighting for the visibility of a company is only one part of the overall development of the customer experience. Customer focus and lighting innovation are key to creating attractive and efficient lighting solutions that add value for both businesses and their customers.

In order to improve the customer experience, it is good to take into account the different uses and needs of the premises. In this context, the following five key selection criteria can be compared, for example:

Selection criterionTraditional lightingLED lighting
Energy efficiencyWeakExcellent
Environmental friendlinessNon-ecologicalEcological
Light output and qualityVariesHigh and flat
Suitability for different spacesLimitedVersatile

The versatility of LED lighting makes it ideal for a wide range of applications. This allows you to enrich the customer experience, whatever the situation. It is therefore important for companies to invest in lighting design and implementation to provide pleasant and inspiring environments for their customers and to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Environmental friendliness

Moving on from customer experience to a topic that is equally important for businesses in today’s competitive environment, we consider LED lighting from an environmental perspective.

It is clear that today’s consumers increasingly value companies that take active steps to reduce their negative impact on nature and promote sustainability.

This increase in environmental awareness is not only an ethical choice – it can also help to improve a company’s green reputation.

Led lighting offers many environmental benefits compared to conventional light sources.

First, they are more energy efficient, which means lower electricity consumption and a smaller carbon footprint.

In addition, extending the lifetime of LED lamps will reduce the amount of waste and the extraction process loads associated with the demand for raw materials.

These benefits allow a company not only to reduce its costs, but also to add value as part of its modern green business strategies.

Utilisation of different types of LED lights

When it comes to economy, the use of lights luminaires offers companies the opportunity to save costs, as they offer long life and low energy consumption.

When it comes to energy efficiency, LED luminaires are the most efficient on the market and their use can help companies save energy and costs.

When it comes to visual appeal, LED luminaires offer businesses the opportunity to create a more attractive appearance and improve their visibility.


Have you ever wondered how much you could save money and increase the efficiency of your business just by improving your lighting? The ROI (Return on Investment) of LED lighting is very impressive, as it pays for itself quickly through energy savings.

In addition, choosing the right LED lights can improve worker well-being by taking into account the ergonomics of lighting – for example, by reducing glare and adjusting the colour spectrum of light to optimum levels. This increases staff productivity, which in turn has a positive impact on the company’s bottom line.

So don’t hesitate to invest in quality LED lighting – in the long run they are more than worth it!

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is one of the main reasons to switch to LED lighting and is closely linked to the use of different types of LED lights.

The energy-efficient design significantly reduces energy consumption compared to conventional luminaires, which can translate into clear financial savings on electricity bills.

Lighting control systems, on the other hand, enable more efficient use of energy by adjusting lighting as needed – for example, dimming or brightening it for different situations.

Modern LED luminaires also have a long lifespan, so the need to replace them is significantly reduced.

As a result, the investment in high-quality LED lamps pays for itself many times over in terms of both energy and material savings.


While energy efficiency is a major reason to switch to LED lighting, the importance of visual appeal should not be overlooked.

Lighting can be used to create atmosphere and highlight aesthetic elements of a space, making it a key part of interior design or visual branding, for example.

LED technology reduces the design constraints of lights, allowing for more versatile and interesting lighting solutions, both following and driving new lighting trends.

In addition, modern LED luminaires provide high-quality, natural-coloured light without distracting flicker, making them an excellent choice for both home and work environments.

Therefore, investing in LED lighting will not only improve energy efficiency, but also the comfort and aesthetic value of the premises in the long term.

The importance of indoor and outdoor lighting

Indoor and outdoor lighting has a huge impact on the visibility of a business, both for customers and employees. Good lighting design improves the functionality, comfort and safety of premises, which in turn increases sales, efficiency and brand value.

Indoor lighting

Intelligent lighting: automatic adjustments save energy while providing comfortable and ergonomic working conditions.

Lighting safety: ensuring sufficient light levels reduces the risk of accidents, for example in escalators or dark corners of the practice.

Setting the mood: the precise placement of light sources creates an inviting and attractive environment, whether for shopping or relaxing during breaks.

Outdoor lighting

Themed lights: brand colours can be taken into account when designing outdoor lights to represent the company’s identity.

Exhibition areas: differentiating your company from the competition can be crucial to success.

Safe and inviting access routes: good lighting can guide users in the right direction, while providing a safe environment.

Professional interior and exterior lighting design is important for businesses not only for functional reasons, but also for competitiveness. High quality LED lights can differentiate you from your competitors “‘””‘and create the best possible conditions for increased customer loyalty and employee well-being.

Lighting design and installation

In the previous section, we discussed the importance of indoor and outdoor lighting for the visibility of your business. In addition, it is also important to consider the safety of lighting, as it directly affects the comfort of customers and employees, as well as the efficiency of the business. In the next section, we will look in more detail at lighting design and installation.

Energy efficiency, practicality and aesthetics are key factors in the design and installation of lighting. Innovative solutions allow you to create an optimal environment for different spaces, such as offices, industrial halls or public areas. The following table shows three different LED lighting solutions based on their characteristics:

Type of solutionEnergy efficiencySustainabilitySuitable applications
Linear LEDExcellentLongevityIndustrial premises
Panel lightsGood forOn averageOffices
Intelligent light controlFurther improve energy efficiencyIn special casesPublic spaces

These examples illustrate how different lighting solutions are suitable for different applications. By choosing the right lighting, a company can improve its visibility and competitiveness, and create a safe and comfortable environment for its customers and employees.

Frequently asked questions

How long are LED lighting systems expected to last compared to conventional lighting systems?

How long are LED lighting systems expected to last compared to conventional lighting systems? This is a common question, the answer to which depends on many factors.

One such factor is the innovations in LED lighting, which have led to significantly longer lifetimes and energy efficiency compared to traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. On the other hand, maintenance-free lighting is also a very important benefit that allows companies to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Generally speaking, good quality lights luminaires can be expected to last up to 50 000 – 100 000 hours before their light output starts to fall below the recommended limit (around 70% of the original output). Using this as a benchmark, traditional incandescent bulbs last around 1 000-2 000 hours and fluorescent bulbs around 10 000-20 000 hours.

The difference is not only significant, but can be a decisive factor in long-term investment decisions and in improving the visibility of a company.

How can LED lighting affect the health and well-being of workers in the workplace?

The impact of LED lighting on the health and well-being of workers is multi-faceted, as it can improve the ergonomics of the workplace and reduce fatigue.

The right lighting helps prevent eye strain and therefore increases concentration throughout the day.

In addition, LED lights provide more uniform light compared to traditional fluorescent or incandescent lamps, which helps to create a more comfortable working environment.

The energy savings are also significant: more efficient technology allows a company to use less electricity to achieve the same or even better light output than with older solutions.

All in all, investing in high-quality LED lighting has positive effects both on an individual level and for the overall benefit of the company – not only does it improve work efficiency, but it also sends a message of responsibility in caring for our environment.

Are there any studies that show an increase in sales or customer numbers for businesses thanks to LED lighting?

There are several studies that suggest that investing in LED lighting can have a positive impact on business sales and customer numbers.

This is largely due to the aesthetics of lighting, which attracts people into the retail space and improves the presentation of products.

In addition, high-quality lighting creates a more pleasant environment for customers and employees, which can increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

While there is no research that specifically shows an increase in sales or customer numbers due to LED lighting, its benefits in terms of energy efficiency, lifetime and maintenance make it a smart investment for many businesses.

What are the potential drawbacks or challenges of LED lighting, and how can they be minimised?

Investing in LED lighting can bring some drawbacks or challenges, such as higher initial investment, heat management problems and variations in light quality. Preventing harm is important to minimise these problems.

Effective design and selection of the right LED products are needed to ensure long-term savings and energy efficiency.

Thermal management can be achieved by using cooling systems and different materials around LED components to improve their lifetime.

In terms of light quality, it is worth paying attention to colour rendering index (CRI), colour temperature and light output to ensure suitability for different situations.

How can companies assess and monitor the energy and cost savings from LED lighting?

Companies can assess and monitor the energy and cost savings from LED lighting through energy efficiency investments and lighting optimisation.

The first step is to carry out a thorough analysis of the existing lighting and its costs, followed by a comparison of the energy consumption, life cycle and maintenance costs of different lighting options.

With this information, the company can calculate the potential savings and payback period for the new lighting solution.

Energy savings can be monitored using solutions such as intelligent control or other measurement methods that help detect imbalances or performance degradation in time and intervene as needed.

This will ensure efficient operations and sustainable cost savings in the long term.


In summary, the benefits of LED lighting for businesses are undeniable. They offer longer life, better energy efficiency and a positive impact on the health and well-being of workers.

However, it is important to take into account the potential challenges and disadvantages and to try to minimise them.

As our experts, we recommend that companies regularly evaluate the energy and cost savings of LED lighting and follow the latest research and developments in the industry to optimise their lighting solutions.

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Led lighting specialist

LedStore has been an expert in LED lighting and lighting design since 2010. We have our own product design, so our products are technologically state-of-the-art. Products have quarantee for up to 7 years. We also carry out lighting maintenance.

We focus on temperature-controlled and high colour rendering lights, so they work brilliantly and last a long time. We do around 500 lighting designs for our clients’ sites. Read more here or order a lighting design

We offer a service of custom-made led strips, i.e. custom-made led strips in aluminium profile. Also installed. Did you know? LedStore offers lighting design from 99 euros for the whole house!

Remember that we are always ready to offer our help to you along the way, by email (myynti@ledstore.fi) and by phone (045 251 4510). As always, feel free to share photos of your own projects on social media at ledstore.fi at Instagram and ledstore.fi at Meta. We love to see the cool things done by our LEDs, and it also helps to provide inspiration for those who are not sure about the power and awesomeness of LEDs. Did you know that we already have over 3500 pictures of our LED installations in our Gallery!

Photo gallery of Led lights:

Product gallery: Pictures of products in different installation locations

Indirect light: Indirect light in different spaces

Room-specific: Light in different rooms

References: Complete houses that have been photographed

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Janne Halttu Owner
LedStore.fi entrepreneur who has built 4 detached houses and renovated several properties.20 years of construction experience has given me a lot of knowledge about structures, and electrical work for several houses. I have worked with LED lighting for over 10 years.I am an expert in Led lighting, I write articles and I am a lighting designer.I often help clients with electrical and structural issues related to lighting and house construction.