LED-liikennemerkkien huolto ja ylläpito

The maintenance and upkeep of LED traffic signs are essential tasks to keep traffic flowing smoothly and safely. We technicians are responsible for ensuring that these signs work properly and that drivers can rely on them every day.

Our maintenance tasks include checking lights, updating software and fixing any faults.

It is important that we have the necessary skills and equipment to maintain LED traffic signs. To guarantee the best possible service for our customers, we need to keep up to date with the latest technologies and models.

In addition, it is of paramount importance for us to work efficiently, while ensuring our personal safety and the safety of people on the road during our work.

The importance of regular inspection

Ah, the importance of regular inspection in the maintenance and upkeep of LED traffic lights! What a tantalising topic, which is sure to get everyone interested faster than a flashing traffic light. But don’t run off into the ditch now; there are serious issues to consider.

Regular inspections are essential to improve road safety and reap the benefits of technology. The rapid response of LED lights allows clear and easy-to-understand messages for drivers, which helps to reduce road accidents.

Careful checks also ensure that the equipment works reliably when it should – whether it’s controlling the road or sending emergency messages to nearby forest owners.

Cleaning and remedial measures

After the regular inspection, it’s time to move on to the next part – cleaning and repairs.

These measures will ensure the safety and proper functioning of LED traffic signs in traffic.

Cleaning focuses in particular on preserving the brightness of the light apertures and lenses and adjusting the intensity of the light.

In turn, taking the necessary corrective measures will minimise potential disruption to traffic and keep signs in good condition for longer.

Optimising energy efficiency

Optimising energy efficiency is an important part of servicing and maintaining LED traffic lights. Sustainable development is the keyword of today, and energy-saving technologies are crucial to achieving this.

There are several ways to improve the energy efficiency of LED traffic signs:

  • More efficient design of luminaires:
  • Better light distribution
  • Less waste in the form of heat
  • Energy-saving components
  • Making use of intelligent guidance:
  • Traffic-adjustable brightness
  • Timers and remote device management
  • Collection and analysis of real-time data
  • Environmentally friendly materials and production processes:
  • Use of recycled materials
  • Long-life products
  • Sourcing quality raw materials from responsible operators

Taking the above factors into account, significant differences in energy consumption and reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from traffic lights can already be observed.

This will allow us to work together to promote sustainable development and reduce the environmental impact of transport.

Optimising the energy efficiency of LED traffic lights is not only economically viable, but also a responsible action that benefits us and future generations.

Frequently asked questions

How does the lifetime of LED traffic signs differ from traditional traffic signs?

When you talk about the lifetime of LED traffic signs compared to traditional traffic signs, it’s like comparing apples and oranges.

The benefits of LED technology are particularly evident in the sense of energy efficiency. Led signs use small and efficient LEDs as a light source, which consume significantly less energy than the light produced by incandescent or fluorescent lamps, for example.

As a result, they have a longer life cycle and lower maintenance costs. They also provide a steady, glare-free light, which further improves road safety – whether it’s hailing from the sky or the sun shining in a clear sky, these signs do the job!

Typically, LED lights are expected to last between 50 000 and 100 000 hours before they start to fade, while traditional traffic signs may require maintenance every few years due to fading, for example.

What is the installation and commissioning process for LED traffic signs?

The process of installing and commissioning LED traffic signs is relatively simple, but requires care and professionalism. The benefits of LED technology, such as energy-saving potential, make these signs even more attractive alternatives to traditional traffic signs.

During the installation process, it is important to ensure correct positioning so that signs are easily visible both day and night. The LED modules themselves are then mounted on suitable structures and properly connected to the power supply.

During the deployment phase, the lights will be tested for their operation and compatibility with other traffic lights before they are put into operation to ensure road safety. Our service staff are actively involved in these processes to ensure quality and reliability at every stage.

Are there specific safety requirements or standards that LED traffic signs must comply with?

The safety of LED traffic signs is crucial to ensure that traffic flows smoothly and accidents are avoided. This is why manufacturers and users of LED signs must comply with strict safety requirements and standards.

These standards include lighting standards, which specify how bright signs can be and under what conditions they can operate without being compromised. Typically, service and maintenance personnel working with LED lights should ensure that all parts of the equipment are properly installed, tested and conform to approved standards before they are put into service.

In addition to safety, reliable operation and long life are key to the effectiveness of LED traffic signals.

What are the maintenance and upkeep costs of LED traffic signs compared to traditional traffic signs?

LED traffic signs have different maintenance and upkeep costs compared to traditional traffic signs.

While LED signs may cost more to buy, their energy efficiency and innovative features can bring savings in the long run.

For example, the longer lifetime of LED lights reduces the need to replace lights frequently, which lowers maintenance costs.

In addition, the improved energy efficiency of LED technology reduces electricity consumption and therefore energy costs.

It is therefore important to take into account both the purchase and maintenance costs when assessing the total cost of LED traffic signs compared to conventional signs.

What are the environmental impacts of LED traffic signs and how do they differ from traditional traffic signs?

The use of LED traffic signs has several positive environmental effects compared to traditional traffic signs.

Firstly, the energy efficiency of LEDs is significantly better than that of traditional light bulbs, which reduces energy consumption and associated emissions.

In addition, the long lifetime of LED lights reduces the amount of waste material and resources needed to produce new signs.

In many cases, the LED signs themselves are also made from environmentally friendly materials such as recycled aluminium or plastic, further reducing their environmental footprint.

Overall, the use of LED traffic signs offers both economic and environmental advantages over older technologies.


LED traffic signs may initially seem more expensive than traditional traffic signs, but in the longer term they are a very worthwhile investment.

Their long life, low maintenance costs and environmental friendliness make them a great choice.

So, if you are still hesitant about purchasing LED traffic signs, think about all these benefits and consider how they can improve traffic safety and efficiency in your area.

We here at our LED traffic light service and maintenance team are always ready to help you according to your needs!

Led lighting specialist

LedStore has been an expert in LED lighting and lighting design since 2010. We have our own product design, so our products are technologically state-of-the-art. Products have quarantee for up to 7 years. We also carry out lighting maintenance.

We focus on temperature-controlled and high colour rendering lights, so they work brilliantly and last a long time. We do around 500 lighting designs for our clients’ sites. Read more here or order a lighting design

We offer a service of custom-made LED strips, i.e. custom-made LED strips in aluminium profile. Also installed. Did you know? LedStore offers lighting design from 99 euros for the whole house!

Remember that we are always ready to offer our help to you along the way, by email (myynti@ledstore.fi) and by phone (045 251 4510). As always, feel free to share photos of your own projects on social media at ledstore.fi at Instagram and ledstore.fi at Meta. We love to see the cool things our LEDs do, and it helps to provide inspiration for those who are unsure about the power and awesomeness of LEDs. Did you know that we already have over 3500 photos of our LED installations in our Gallery!

Photo gallery of Led lights:

Product gallery: Pictures of products in different installation locations

Indirect light: Indirect light in different spaces

Room-specific: Light in different rooms

References: Complete houses that have been photographed

author avatar
Janne Halttu Owner
LedStore.fi entrepreneur who has built 4 detached houses and renovated several properties.20 years of construction experience has given me a lot of knowledge about structures, and electrical work for several houses. I have worked with LED lighting for over 10 years.I am an expert in Led lighting, I write articles and I am a lighting designer.I often help clients with electrical and structural issues related to lighting and house construction.