What is an LED? How does an LED work?


  • LED stands for Light Emitting Diode
  • LED works on the principle of a PN diode, producing light
  • LED efficiency is higher than conventional incandescent lamps
  • LED colour depends on the semiconductor material and the degree of mixing
  • LED technologies include DIP, SMD, COB and Filament

We come across the word LED almost every day. What is an LED? LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, which can be translated as “light-emitting diode”. LED is a form of diode that has been developed to produce light.

You’ll most often see these three letters when you’re buying a TV or a new phone. Nowadays, all display terminals are equipped with LED backlighting and LED lights illuminate our homes.

The principle of LEDs was born as early as 1907. We have written an article on the subject: a brief history of LEDs

“Electroluminescence, the principle behind LEDs, was first discovered by Henry Joseph Round in 1907. But it wasn’t until 1962 that engineer Nick Holonyak used the science to create LEDs that produce visible light as we know them..” – History of LEDs, a brief textbook

How does an LED light work?

The LED works like a PN diode. P=Positive (+) and N=Negative (-). It works on the same principle, i.e. it carries current in one direction only and no current can flow in the other direction. Why is this needed? If the electrons move in one direction, they form a current, which becomes the source of light in the reaction.

For the LED to work, it needs to be powered. That is, a voltage is applied to the P-pin. When the holes on the P side meet the electrons on the N side at the junction of the diode, energy is released and these photons produce light.

What is a LED? - Led working principle
Led operating principle 1

How does an LED differ from a traditional diode?

Now more about LEDs, what is an LED, and how does it differ from a PN-Diode? Not terribly much. Inside is an alloy semiconductor. The emission spectrum (light colour) depends on the degree of mixing and the material from which the semiconductor is made.

The biggest difference, of course, is in the design. So a traditional LED has a special hemispherical protection (applies to all a led types), which protects it from shocks and other external mechanical influences. Research has shown that it is the P side that releases the light, so in LED circuits the P side is as superficial and as thin as possible to make the light as visible as possible.

For this reason, the body on top of the LED circuit is often made of epoxy resin or other transparent material that can be used to direct the photons in the desired direction.

Why does an LED need a front-facing resistor?

In order for an LED to burn at the appropriate voltage, it is usually necessary to install a front resistor. The nominal current required by the LED can be anything from 20 mA to 5 A, depending on the power of the LED.
The appropriate front resistance is calculated as follows: voltage – voltage required by the LED = front resistance voltage
The value of the front resistance (OHMI) is obtained by dividing the voltage (V) obtained by the current (mA) required by the LED. For example, if you have a 24V voltage and want to install a 19V threshold voltage COB LED with a current requirement of 350 mA, the following calculation is performed:
Residual voltage = 24 V – 19 V = 5 V
Front resistance = 5 V / 350 mA = 5 V / 0.014 A = 357 Ohms
357 Ohms front resistance required

What are the advantages of LED light?

One of the most important features of LEDs is their high efficiency. The fact is that a traditional incandescent lamp emits a lot of heat during use, while an LED, on the contrary, stays relatively cool. All this is because it produces most of the light in the spectrum visible to humans and does not waste energy on unnecessary wavelengths. The efficiency of an incandescent lamp is only 5%, while the efficiency of an LED lamp can be 90%. In addition, LED circuits are much smaller in size, so they can be placed almost anywhere.

What colours can LEDs produce?

To adjust the colour and intensity of the light, the appropriate semiconductor material must be selected. The semiconductor used in the mixture is crucial, as its reaction with the electrodes affects the colour of the light. However, LEDs do not necessarily emit all colours, and it is possible to achieve an accurate spectrum.

The most common colours are red, yellow, green and orange. This is because they are easier to manufacture, and correspondingly many times cheaper than the blue and white LEDs that appeared in the 1990s. The table below shows the semiconductor materials used to achieve a particular colour of light:

Wavelength (NM) Colour VF @ 20MA Material
< 400 Ultraviolet 3.1 – 4.4 Aluminium nitride (AlN)
Aluminium gallium nitride (AlGaN)
Aluminium gallium indium nitride (AlGaInN)
400 – 450 Purple 2.8 – 4.0 Indium gallium nitride (InGaN)
450 – 500 Blue 2.5 – 3.7 Indium gallium nitride (InGaN)
Silicon carbide (SiC)
500 – 570 Green 1.9 – 4.0 Gallium phosphide (GaP)
Aluminium gallium indium phosphide (AlGaInP)
Aluminium gallium phosphide (AlGaP)
570 – 590 Yellow 2.1 – 2.2 Gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP)
Aluminium gallium indium phosphide (AlGaInP)
Gallium phosphide (GaP)
590 – 610 Orange 2.0 – 2.1 Gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP)
Aluminium gallium indium phosphide (AlGaUInP)
Gallium phosphide (GaP)
610 – 760 Red 1.6 – 2.0 Aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs)
Gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP)
Aluminium gallium indium phosphide (AlGaInP)
Gallium phosphide (GaP)
> 760 Infrared < 1.9 Gallium arsenide (GaAs)
Aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs)

The table shows that the same semiconductor material is suitable for several different colours and the manufacturer decides which material to use. The key factor is availability and price, which vary.

How are LEDs built?

Now that we know how the LED works, let’s talk a bit more about how it works in parts. Each LED consists of the following components:

  • cathode
  • anodi
  • semiconductor circuit
  • reflector
  • diffuser
Led circuit cross-section
Led circuit parts

Each of these components is important for the functioning of LED light. The main parts inside the LED are the cathode and the anode. What do these parts do in an LED?

Electrons go from the cathode (-) to the anode (+) when a voltage is applied to the device. As a result, electrons meet at the PN junction and occupy the vacant spaces (holes) there. As a result, electrons move to a new energy level and photons are released. As I said earlier, the photons are directed upwards by a reflector and a diffuser (for example an epoxy resin).

How do different LED technologies differ?

If we talk about the main types of LED lights, they are of course LED lights for general lighting and signage LED lights, which are usually used in electronic devices.

LEDs can also be differentiated into different technologies according to the manufacturing process:


The first commercial LED type. These are fairly simple and not very effective indicator lights. But they are quite cheap. They have a cylindrical lens, usually quite large compared to the LED circuit itself.

DIP led in different colours
DIP led in different colours


SMD LEDs were invented after DIP LEDs. Traditional led lights are surface mounted and SMD provided a solution. They are much flatter and are only used for surface mounting. The installation is always carried out against a heat conducting material. SMD is the most common form of LED used in lighting (by 2023) and SMD development is far from over.



Now the latest LED lights incorporate an LED circuit with COB (Chip On Board) technology. As the name implies, the LED, or rather several LEDs, are mounted directly on the base plate. They are very small. In addition to their small size, they have the advantage of being very uniformly illuminated and well protected from oxidation by a phosphor layer. These advantages led to their use in the automotive industry to create headlights, among other things. Since then, they have become widespread in LED downlights and LED strip lights.

COB LED circuit
COB LED circuit


Another new way of manufacturing LED circuits is filament (wire). The LED circuit in question spreads the light in all directions. Its main advantage is its appearance, as it looks like filament, as in incandescent lamps. This is why filament LEDs are mainly seen in LED bulbs replacing incandescent bulbs.

Filament LED bulb
Filament LED bulb

Here we answered the frequently asked question “What is an LED?”

*1 Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/PnJunction-LED-E.svg/640px-PnJunction-LED-E.svg.png

*2 Source: https://www.electronics-notes.com/articles/electronic_components/diode/light-emitting-diode-led-technology-how-does-led-work.php

*3 Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LED_circuit

Here are some other things to read on our blog:

You can also read our product FAQs here: https://ledstore.pro/faq

LED technology in LED lights: why LED lights are the best solution for home lighting Read about the claims where we discuss the dangers of LEDs: what is the basis of the dangers of LEDs

Read more common questions: frequently asked questions about LEDs

We have also written about the quality of light: what is colour rendering?


1. What is an LED?

LED stands for “Light Emitting Diode”, which in English means light emitting diode. It is a semiconductor component that emits light when an electric current is applied to it.

2. How does an LED light work?

An LED works like a PN diode, where P stands for positive (+) and N for negative (-). When the holes on the P side meet the electrons on the N side at the junction of the diode, energy is released as photons that produce light.

3. What are the advantages of LED light compared to traditional light bulbs?

LED lights are more energy efficient, longer lasting and more environmentally friendly than traditional incandescent bulbs. They consume less energy and have a longer lifetime, reducing the need for replacement and waste.

4. What colours can LEDs produce?

The colour of the light produced by an LED depends on the semiconductor material used and the degree of mixing. This allows different colours to be produced without filters, making LED technology a versatile lighting solution.

5. What is the difference between DIP, SMD, COB and Filament-LED technologies?

DIP (Dual In-line Package) is an older LED technology where individual LEDs are in separate packages. SMD (Surface Mount Device) LEDs are smaller and mounted directly on a circuit board, allowing for thinner and lighter luminaires. In COB (Chip on Board) technology, multiple LED chips are mounted directly on a printed circuit board, which improves light output and thermal management. Filament LEDs mimic the appearance of traditional incandescent light bulbs, but use LED technology to improve energy efficiency.

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Janne Halttu Owner
LedStore.fi entrepreneur who has built 4 detached houses and renovated several properties. 20 years of construction experience has given me a lot of knowledge about structures, and electrical work for several houses. I have worked with LED lighting for over 10 years. I am an expert in Led lighting, I write articles and I am a lighting designer. I often help clients with electrical and structural issues related to lighting and house construction.

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