Abstract wooden ceiling with smooth curves, slatted sections, and integrated LED lighting, showcasing modern architectural design against a pale sky.


  • LedStore and Sisuwood LED pillar tables are used in Oodi
  • High-quality LED lighting is essential for make-up and make-up application
  • Good colour rendering is an important feature of LED lights
  • Led lights are long-lasting and easy to maintain
  • Wireless dimming allows you to adjust the lighting for different situations

The multifunctional central library Oodi in Helsinki has used LED pillar tables manufactured in cooperation between LedStore and Sisuwood, which make use of LED strip and aluminium profiles for some of the lighting. The lighting has been successfully in use until the end of 2018.

For make-up, the LED light must be bright enough but glare-free

When it comes to make-up, make-up and dressing up in general, it’s good to have good quality lighting. At Oodi’s backstage, the focus is on high-quality LED light that is easy to use and does not glare. In good light, colours look as they should and are pleasant to be around.

Entrepreneur Janne Halttu likes the fact that customers demand LED light with good colour rendering.

CRI is important when you want to see colours in their true colours. In the early days, it was difficult for LED lights to naturally reproduce skin colour, for example, but we have worked for years to make good colour rendering standard for all our luminaires. In Finland, the official colour rendering index recommendations are, in my opinion, too modest compared to what the performance of quality LEDs can be today.

High-quality LED light is long-lasting and maintainable

Moderniin ja minimalistiseen toimistotilaan sopii upeasti LedStore.fi:n tarjoama valaistus. Tilassa on tyylikäs musta pöytä kahdella yhteensopivalla tuolilla sekä keskellä oleva pystysuuntainen jakaja. Suuret ikkunat päästävät sisään runsaasti luonnonvaloa, jota täydentävät hillityt LED-korostukset. Oikealla näkyy pieni keittiöalue, jossa LED-valot luovat viihtyisän tunnelman.For make-up/ make-up tables commissioned for the backstage area, the light is optimally directed from both sides without creating shadows on the viewer’s face. As Finland has a long dark season, so much LED tape has been added to the lights to achieve bright lighting even during the darkest hours and in the evening.

With wireless dimming, the user can continuously adjust the lights to brighter and dimmer levels, allowing makeup to be seen in different lighting conditions, and the final result can also be judged at different light intensities.

The custom-made backstage masking tables’ pillar luminaires are a combination of a high-quality aluminium profile and an efficient LED strip, mounted on the profile in two parallel rows. Importantly, the aluminium conducts heat away from the LED strip, thus ensuring a long life of the luminaire. Calculated well over 10 years.

End-of-life LED strips can be replaced with profiles without having to throw away the entire luminaire. The luminaires are also serviceable, should it happen that part of the LED strip stops working. This ensures long-term use of the make-up table.

The LED strip lights are mounted on the sides of the mirrors in a wooden frame, which also houses the transformers for the lights. The wireless dimmers are fixed under the table, hidden under the table.

Lähikuva tyylikkäästä, modernista salonkisisustuksesta, jossa on mustakehyksiset peilit ja korkeat LED-valaistuspaneelit. Design on minimalistinen, selkeälinjainen ja hienostuneen nykyaikainen – täydellinen esimerkki LedStore.fi:n tarjoamasta led-valaistusratkaisusta kotisi sisustukseen.

Read more about makeup lighting in the blog post What is the best makeup lighting. Read more about salon lighting on the blog High quality working lighting for the hairdresser’s salon

We carry out all kinds of customised work using LED strips for both professionals and consumers. Read more about the LedPaja service in the blog post LedPaja allows you to have your kitchen LED strip made to measure

Find out more about the colour rendering index in the info video Duration 3:28 min What is colour rendering? (CRI)

Check out our online shop for our led strips and led aluminium profiles.

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Sanna Salmela
Lighting blogger and lighting consultant at LedStore since 2016. Background in marketing, sales and communications since 2006. I love how, one article at a time, we bring our lighting expertise to the public, opening up the world of light and its possibilities.

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