What harm can poor lighting do?

Navigating daily life in low light is like trying to find your way along a dimly lit and unfamiliar path. You may not realise it, but inadequate lighting affects more than just your ability to see clearly. It can throw off your body’s natural rhythm, make you less alert and deplete your energy levels. What is the harm of poor lighting? Read on!

Key results

When you are in a poorly lit area, you are also more prone to accidents, as shadows and insufficient light increase the risk of tripping and collisions. In addition, poor lighting can distort colours and dampen the mood of a space, affecting your overall comfort and mood. In the long term, you may find that you suffer from eye strain, fatigue and loss of concentration. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the lighting around you and seek professional help to alleviate these problems if necessary.

  • Poor lighting can make it difficult to read and see details.
  • Inadequate lighting can increase the risk of accidents at home or at work.
  • Poor lighting can impair concentration and reduce productivity.
  • Poor lighting can have a negative impact on mental health and disrupt sleep patterns.

Reduced vision

Poorly designed lighting will impair your vision, which can lead to difficulty reading and seeing details. Poor lighting makes colours appear distorted and causes eye strain, which can affect the comfort and enjoyment of the spaces you spend time in. When you can’t see properly, you’re more likely to be exposed to accidents when you can’t assess the risks properly. In addition, reduced vision can cause health problems such as headaches and fatigue. It also disrupts your natural circadian rhythm, affecting alertness and energy levels, possibly leading to a decrease in concentration and productivity. With the right lighting, you can avoid these problems and look after your eyesight.

Higher risk of accidents

When lighting is inadequate, you may face more accidents at work or at home. Poor lighting can cause colour distortion and eye strain, increasing the risk of accidents. Loss of concentration and difficulty in assessing potential hazards are also consequences that can lead to dangerous situations.

The problemResult
Reduced visibilityIncreased risk of accidents
GlareDifficulty in seeing
Poor perceptionIncrease in the number of incidents
AgeDifficulty in seeing

To reduce hazards and harm, it is important to pay attention to the quality and adequacy of lighting in all environments.

Productivity decline

As you lose concentration due to poor lighting, you may also experience a drop in productivity. If colours look distorted and your eyes get tired, this can lead to a loss of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. This not only makes your work more difficult, but also increases the risk of mistakes. Inappropriate lighting can lead to accidents and incidents when you fail to properly assess the risks.

The tension in your back and neck muscles caused by poor lighting can force you to slouch, affecting your well-being and comfort. In addition, when lighting is poor, it can have a negative impact on your mood. In this case, a drop in productivity is inevitable and can reduce your job satisfaction.

Mental health and sleep disorder

Poor lighting can have a negative impact on your mental health and disrupt your sleep patterns. When the light is too dim or of poor quality, it can impair your concentration and cause errors. This constant tinkering and mistakes can cause stress and anxiety. Colours can look distorted, which can strain your eyes and make you more tired. Poor lighting increases the risk of accidents, which can keep you constantly alert and increase your stress levels. In addition, when visibility is poor, you may not detect potential hazards in time, which can lead to feelings of insecurity. All these factors can combine to disturb sleep and peace of mind.

I have written before on the topic of whether Led lights can improve sleep quality?

Increase in energy consumption

It is important to understand that poor lighting can lead to a significant increase in energy consumption. When lighting is not efficient enough or properly designed, it may be necessary to take measures that increase energy consumption. Here are three ways in which poor lighting can increase energy use:

  1. The need to use substitute light sources when the basic lighting is not sufficient.
  2. Upgrades and repairs to outdated and inefficient lighting systems.
  3. The need for additional lighting in workplaces, which increases energy consumption and costs.

Remember that lighting design can reduce unnecessary energy consumption.

Frequently asked questions

What is the harm of poor lighting?

You risk eye strain, disrupt your sleep rhythm and don’t create the right mood with poor lighting. It’s not just about discomfort; you’re also risking your safety and health. Without sufficient light, you cannot see the dangers, which leads to accidents. And your work suffers because poor lighting causes fatigue and loss of concentration. Always make sure you have good lighting to keep your eyes, body and surroundings in good condition.

What is a good illuminance level?

Good luminance means the right amount of light in a given space or environment. Good lighting intensity should be at least 200 lux when working indoors. You want adjustable brightness to match your task and a light colour that won’t strain your eyes. The right lighting will enhance your space and ensure you can see every detail without squinting or casting shadows.

Can lighting make a difference to work?

Poor lighting in the workplace can often affect you in different ways. You are likely to experience increased eye strain as your eyes try to adjust. This discomfort can lead to a drop in productivity because you can’t concentrate as well. In addition, the likelihood of making mistakes increases because it is more difficult to see. So good lighting is the key to maintaining efficiency and accuracy at work, while keeping you comfortable and safe.


You’ve seen how poor lighting can harm you – it strains your eyes, increases your risk of accidents and reduces your productivity. It also affects your mood and sleep and raises your energy bills. Don’t let bad light undermine your well-being. Invest in good lighting design; it’s not just about brightness, it’s about quality of life. Remember that true light is not just a theory, it is a visible truth that shapes your daily experience.

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Janne Halttu Owner
LedStore.fi entrepreneur who has built 4 detached houses and renovated several properties.20 years of construction experience has given me a lot of knowledge about structures, and electrical work for several houses. I have worked with LED lighting for over 10 years.I am an expert in Led lighting, I write articles and I am a lighting designer.I often help clients with electrical and structural issues related to lighting and house construction.