LED-valojen merkitys sisä ja ulkotilojen turvallisuudessa

The importance of LED lights for indoor and outdoor safety is indisputable. The presence of light and the right kind of lighting help us to see better, detect obstacles and move smoothly in different environments.

LEDs also offer additional safety through their low heat output – they are less likely to cause fires or other hazards than traditional light bulbs. In this article, we look at the role of LED lights in indoor and outdoor safety and give tips on how to use them effectively in different applications.

This article is part of a series of articles on the role of Led lights in improving safety

The role of LED lights in indoor and outdoor safety

In recent years, LED lights have become one of the most popular and efficient lighting solutions for both domestic and public spaces. They offer not only energy efficiency but also a wide range of possibilities to create safe and comfortable spaces.

LED technology has evolved dramatically since its first introduction and today offers numerous advantages over traditional incandescent lamps. One of its main advantages is definitely its longevity: LED lamps can last up to 25 times longer than standard incandescent bulbs, significantly reducing lighting costs and the need for unexpected lamp replacements.

Energy efficiency and longevity

Energy efficiency and longevity are key today in many sectors, including lighting.

LED lights offer significant advantages over traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs: they consume less energy, last longer and produce better light quality.

Use of LED lights in emergency and safety lights

Energy-saving innovations and sustainable development are key factors in this context, as they enable more efficient use of energy and lower carbon emissions.

It is important to note that improving energy efficiency is not the only reason to switch to LED lights.

Thanks to their long life, these luminaires require less frequent replacement, which in turn reduces costs and waste.

In addition, the broad suitability of LED lights for both indoor and outdoor use makes them an ideal solution for security lighting solutions.

These features make it easy to understand why LED technology has become so popular in both domestic and commercial settings in recent years.

Improved visibility and lighting quality

With improved visibility, we can increase safety indoors and outdoors, and LED lights provide the best possible lighting quality.

You can improve indoor and outdoor safety by achieving optimum lighting quality using LED lights.

Improved visibility

It is important to understand that better visibility can have a significant impact on our safety, both inside and outside.

Light adjustability is key here, allowing us to focus light where it’s needed most.

Improving visibility, for example in dark or poorly lit areas, reduces the risk of accidents and increases people’s comfort and sense of security.

LED lights are an excellent solution to this problem, providing high quality and clear light with long operating times.

With added features such as dimming and colour temperature control, you can create just the right atmosphere and ensure optimal visibility in all situations and conditions.

So using LED lights helps us to be even safer in our daily lives.

Lighting quality

The quality of lighting plays a major role in safety and must meet certain requirements to achieve optimal visibility.

Qualitative effects such as colour tones and light intensity are essential factors when it comes to good lighting.

LED lights offer an excellent solution here too: they produce a clear and natural light that does not distort the colours of objects or cause glare problems.

This makes it easier for people to perceive objects around them and move around safely without fear of bumping into or tripping over them.

Improving the quality of lighting with LED technology can therefore be an important step towards safer everyday life, both at home and in the workplace.

Minimising security risks

The previous section looked at how better visibility and lighting quality can contribute to safety in different environments. However, it is also important to consider how the use of LED lights can lead to concrete safety improvements both indoors and outdoors.

Studies have shown that good lighting reduces crime and improves the overall feeling of safety. In particular, LED lights offer several advantages over conventional lighting:

  • They allow a more even and brighter distribution of light in areas, helping people to spot potential hazards quickly.
  • In addition, their energy efficiency and long lifetime make them sustainable solutions for lighting public spaces.

It can therefore be concluded that the minimisation of security risks achieved by LED technology is a significant factor in both reduced crime and increased comfort in many areas. The use of LED lights in security cameras and systems also helps to improve the visibility of targets

Intelligent Lighting Management

Intelligent lighting control is key when it comes to indoor and outdoor safety. This means, above all, integrating smart lighting with various systems, such as alarm, fire or access control systems. Combining these will allow a rapid and effective response to emergencies or exceptional circumstances.

For example, in the event of a fire, emergency lighting can be automatically activated to facilitate the evacuation of people.

Another key part of smart lighting is wireless control, which allows us to remotely adjust light output, colour tones and timers. Such features not only increase comfort, but also energy and cost efficiency and reduce maintenance.

Adding motion sensors or sunset/tracking features will ensure that spaces are adequately lit only when needed. Solutions like this help us to create safer working environments and more pleasant public spaces for all.

Accessible and comfortable spaces

Like a magic wand, intelligent lighting control transforms the look and feel of a space and improves safety. Accessible and comfortable spaces are the next step in this enchantment of light.

The benefits of accessible lighting extend to a wide range of uses, such as facilitating movement indoors and outdoors, improving energy efficiency and increasing overall comfort. In turn, creating comfortable spaces helps us to enjoy our living environment more.

The key factors in creating accessible and comfortable spaces are:

  • Adjusting light intensity: too little or too much light can cause discomfort and reduce visibility.
  • Adjusting colour temperature: different colour temperatures have an impact on mood, performance and daily routines.
  • Natural daylight: letting sunlight into a building can create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Taking into account the lessons learned from the previous sections, creating accessible and comfortable spaces is not just a matter of lighting design, but extends to the architecture of the building as a whole and the consideration of the surrounding landscape. LED lights provide versatile solutions to this goal, while supporting energy efficiency and safety indoors and outdoors.

It is therefore clear that the lighting of the future will provide us not only with better visibility, but also with more pleasant living environments to enjoy our daily lives.

Frequently asked questions

How do Led lights affect the environment compared to traditional lighting?

The impact of LED lights on the atmosphere and the energy saving potential are significantly higher compared to conventional luminaires.

First of all, LED lights are capable of producing a variety of colours and shades, allowing you to create versatile and pleasant lighting spaces both indoors and outdoors. This will improve the comfort and convenience of the premises and contribute to a general sense of security.

Secondly, LED lights consume significantly less energy than incandescent or fluorescent lamps, so their use can lead to significant savings in energy consumption. In addition, the long life of LED lamps also means that they do not need to be replaced as often as other types of lamps. As a result, less electronic waste is generated, which is harmful to the surrounding environment.

In summary, the use of LED lights offers benefits in terms of both human well-being and environmental sustainability compared to older lighting technologies. This is why it is advisable to invest in the purchase and use of LED lights, both in the home and in public spaces, to improve safety, comfort and energy efficiency.

How cost-effective are LED lights in the long term?

The time-defying truth is that LED lights offer significant cost savings in the long term. They enable significant energy savings compared to conventional luminaires, resulting in lower electricity bills and reduced environmental impact.

In addition, with a lifetime of up to 25 000 hours or more, LED lights will last for many years without the need to replace bulbs. As a result, the labour costs of replacing the lamps are also lower.

Lighting automation, such as motion and daylight sensors and intelligent control systems, will further improve the energy efficiency and life cycle of LED lights.

Overall, LED lights are proving to be a very cost-effective solution for both home and public spaces, making them the preferred choice for many customers today.

What are the health benefits of LED lights compared to other lighting solutions?

The health benefits of LED lights compared to other lighting solutions are positive in many ways.

One major advantage is the lifetime of LED lights, which can be up to 25 000-50 000 hours. This reduces the need to change lamps frequently and therefore reduces the chances of injuries in installation situations.

In addition, improved energy efficiency leads to lower heat production, which in turn reduces the risk of burns and the likelihood of equipment damage from overheating.

It should also be stressed that LED lights do not contain harmful substances such as mercury, unlike fluorescent tubes, for example.

All in all, LED lighting offers a safer and healthier alternative both at home and in the workplace compared to more traditional light sources.

How does the use of LED lights affect the acoustics and noise levels in rooms?

Is it there?

It is the silence that is achieved by using LED lights to improve the acoustics and reduce noise levels in spaces.

The use of LED lighting solutions can have a positive impact on the sound environment of both indoor and outdoor spaces, thus providing a more pleasant environment for their users.

For example, in some cases, buzzing or chirping caused by lights can be eliminated by switching from traditional fluorescent lamps to more energy-efficient LED lamps.

In addition, LED lights can be used to create optimal brightness levels in different situations, helping to reduce reflected sound waves and thus preventing disturbing echoes.

Thus, with a well-designed and implemented LED lighting system, you can enjoy not only better energy savings, but also more comfortable and quieter spaces without unnecessary stimulation to your hearing organs.

Are there specific recommendations or standards for the use of LED lights in public spaces?

There are a number of specific recommendations and standards for the use of LED lights in public spaces that help to ensure the safety, energy efficiency and comfort of lighting.

These include international IEC LED standards and local lighting policies and regulations.

These guidelines cover, among other things, the technical characteristics of light sources, installation requirements and maintenance.

It is important to follow these standards and recommendations to achieve the best possible lighting solution for both indoor and outdoor use.


The use of LED lights for indoor and outdoor safety is a significant improvement over traditional lighting. They are not only more energy efficient, but also healthier and better acoustically.

For example, in a school where old fluorescent tubes were replaced with LED lights, it was found that pupils’ concentration improved and noise levels were reduced.

We strongly recommend that you consider using LED lights in both private and public spaces. In addition, it is worthwhile to check any standards and recommendations for the installation and use of LED lights. In this way, we can ensure a high-quality and sustainable lighting solution and create a safe environment for all.

If you found this article interesting, you might also like the other parts of the series:

Use of Led lights in safety and emergency lights

Using Led lights to improve safety in the urban environment

LED lighting expert

LedStore has been an expert in LED lighting and lighting design since 2010. We have our own product design, so our products are technologically state-of-the-art. Products have quarantee for up to 7 years. We also carry out lighting maintenance.

We focus on temperature-controlled and high colour rendering lights, so they work brilliantly and last a long time. We do around 500 lighting designs for our clients’ sites. Read more here or order a lighting design

We offer a service of custom-made led strips, i.e. custom-made led strips in aluminium profile. Also installed. Did you know? LedStore offers lighting design from 99 euros for the whole house!

Remember that we are always ready to offer our help to you along the way, by email (myynti@ledstore.fi) and by phone (045 251 4510). As always, feel free to share photos of your own projects on social media at ledstore.fi at Instagram and ledstore.fi at Meta. We love to see the cool things our LEDs do, and it helps to provide inspiration for those who are unsure about the power and awesomeness of LEDs. Did you know that we already have over 3500 photos of our LED installations in our Gallery!

Photo gallery of Led lights:

Product gallery: Pictures of products in different installation locations

Indirect light: Indirect light in different spaces

Room-specific: Light in different rooms

References: complete houses that have been photographed

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Janne Halttu Owner
LedStore.fi entrepreneur who has built 4 detached houses and renovated several properties.20 years of construction experience has given me a lot of knowledge about structures, and electrical work for several houses. I have worked with LED lighting for over 10 years.I am an expert in Led lighting, I write articles and I am a lighting designer.I often help clients with electrical and structural issues related to lighting and house construction.